Across the United Kingdom, 74% of adults encounter stress every single day. While stress is often manageable, 33% of people say that the stress they experience seriously affects their life.
Although stress is a normal part of everyday life that arises from many different situations, experiencing significant bouts of stress can gradually impair the quality of an individual’s life and lead to chronic stress. Sadly, due to its very nature, chronic stress requires professional treatment.
In addition to experiencing chronic stress, when stress is left undealt with, many physical and psychological illnesses can arise. These illnesses include, but are not limited to, anxiety, burnout, depression, and generally feeling unwell.
Our Top 5 Tips For Reducing Stress
If you frequently feel stressed, overwhelmed or experience burnout, it is essential that you take the time to stop, pause and reflect on the factors that cause you to experience stress.
In doing so, you will be able to navigate stressful periods and essentially create effective stress relievers.
To help you cope better, we have shared our top 5 tips for reducing stress with you below.
1. Talk To Someone You Trust
As you encounter stressful periods, you may well attempt to deal with them on your own.
Although you may think that doing so will not cause you any harm, many studies show that talking about our problems reduces stress and mitigates the risk of developing mental health disorders.
Whether you sit with a friend that you can trust or share your thoughts and feelings with a loved one, talking through your problems will gradually help you release any built-up feelings and emotions that could otherwise lead to stress.
While you may be hesitant about doing so, sharing your problems with others will benefit you greatly. You will also find that you can seek advice, support and reassurance.
In addition to the above, November this year marks Stress Awareness Day. An extensive schedule of educational activities will be available during this day, including global webinars, conferences, live discussions, and various events. We encourage you to see what’s available to you, as this day typically brings those who struggle to cope with their mental health together.
2. Incorporate Exercise Into Your Daily Routine
Research regularly delves into the benefits exercise has on an individual’s physical health, but did you know that exercise can also drastically reduce stress?
A study conducted by Harvard Medical School highlights that participating in aerobic exercises such as walking, running, cycling, dance, or even yoga reduces levels of stress hormones.
Furthermore, exercise releases feel-good endorphins, which will leave you feeling happy, optimistic and stress-free for up to 24-hours.
If you find yourself limited on time, it may be beneficial to know that 62% of adults state that walking for as little as 30-minutes a day helps them effectively manage stress.
3. Create A Daily Routine
As stress often arises when your brain and body is unable to cope with pressure and lifestyle changes, creating a daily routine is vital if you are hoping to reduce the amount of stress that you experience.
Although it is possible that you already have some daily structure, creating and sticking to a daily routine is scientifically proven to help individuals navigate and minimise uncertainty and stress.
Creating a routine will also offer you greater control over your day, which, in turn, will leave you feeling calm, productive and hopeful.
Upon turning your thoughts to creating a daily routine, here at Rehab Clinics Group, we would highly advise incorporating time for exercise, time for yourself and time for your loved ones.
This will ensure that you have time to enjoy the little things in life, which will play a prominent role in your ability to reduce your stress levels.
4. Reflect On Your Everyday Life
If you find that you encounter stress on a frequent basis, it may be time for you to reflect on your everyday life and assess whether you could benefit from making any changes.
Although you will likely feel as though making changes in your life is easier said than done, especially if work or life at home is causing you to experience stress, you must do so.
Not only will reflecting on your everyday life help you determine the factors that influence stress, but it will ensure that you are able to develop coping strategies that can help you reduce stress.
For example, if you find yourself working overtime at work, stress may arise as you will likely find it difficult to switch off as you return home.
By understanding that working long hours is causing you to experience stress, you can make suitable adjustments. In this specific situation, talking to your boss and reducing your workload will help you relieve stress.
5. Indulge Yourself In A New Hobby
If you constantly feel stressed and find yourself searching for tips for reducing stress, indulging yourself in a new hobby could provide you with the relief you are looking for.
This is because hobbies encourage individuals to take time for themselves, focus on something fun, and forget their worries.
From reading to gardening and drawing to travelling, indulging yourself in a new hobby will also provide you with an additional outlet to channel your stress and will give you something to look forward to at the end of the day.
Contact Us Today
If you have attempted to take advantage of our top 5 tips for reducing stress yet still feel that you are struggling, please do not hesitate to contact us.
At Rehab Clinics Group, we can help you secure treatment for stress at one of our many rehabs in either the UK or Spain.
To contact us, we welcome you to call us on 0800 470 0382. Alternatively, you can email