Alcohol Rehab

Picture of John Gillen

John Gillen - Last Updated: October 16, 2023

Last reviewed: March 30, 2022 by Dr Alexander Lapa. All information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

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Find out More About Alcohol Rehab

Private alcohol rehab treatment offered through Rehab Clinics Group has been designed for effective long-term addiction recovery, no matter the addiction you have or the location you are in, RCG are here to find the right match up for you when it comes to rehab facilities.

We strive to make recovery as smooth as possible so that you’re able to not only recover fully within treatment, but also stay sober going forward.

We don’t leave you stranded once your treatment with us is over, in fact we recommend and pair you up with rehabs that offer comprehensive aftercare programmes so that you have the best chance at avoiding relapse in the near future.

The time right after you’re discharged from rehab is the most vulnerable you may feel. That being said, you’ll find on this page what to expect from rehab aftercare programmes and other free rehab services that are available all across the country.

Find or jump to all the information you need from us here at RCG below and get prepared for alcohol rehab with no surprises.

Private alcohol rehab treatment offered at Rehab Clinics Group has been designed for effective long-term addiction recovery.

If you or a loved one doesn’t check a potential addiction to alcohol you could be putting your long term health in serious jeopardy with increased damage that is inflicted on the liver, this can lead to serious health complications that could even result in death.

It’s these life-changing consequences that come with alcohol addiction that make it absolutely essential to seek help as quick as possible before it is too late. By attending our specially designed residential rehab programmes, you could potentially be saving your life. The effects of addiction does not just include your health but it can also cause serious problems to your everyday life with breakdowns in relationships and job losses being common events that occur when dealing with addiction.

Scientists, researchers and medical professionals all agree that alcohol use disorder, or alcoholism as it is more commonly known, is a disease and needs to be treated as such. Addiction to alcohol is a very real problem and if left untreated, it usually has terrible and far-reaching consequences.

If you suspect that you or a loved one is addicted to alcohol you need to seek professional advice. The best way to truly beat your addiction and maintain a sustainable recovery is to find a rehab clinic and commit to alcohol rehab treatment. It is possible to try and detox on your own at home and a small number of people who suffer from an addiction to alcohol or drugs do manage to detox and rehab on their own, but they are very much in the minority. Addictive behaviours are extremely difficult to break, and the rate of relapse is far higher among people who do not receive professional alcohol rehab in a residential treatment centre.


Alcohol Addiction can destroy your life

Having a beer with your buddies now and then or enjoying a glass of wine at a dinner party does not make you an alcoholic. Many people can drink alcohol in moderation occasionally and suffer no negative side effects but for others, drinking alcohol can very quickly become a harmful all-consuming addiction that destroys their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

Addiction to alcohol or alcohol use disorder is characterised by excessive alcohol consumption that eventually leads to the body becoming physically addicted or dependent on alcohol to get through the day and function in a seemingly normal way. Long term excessive alcohol consumption also leads to numerous physical, psychological and mental health problems and can even be fatal.


What is Alcohol Rehab?

Alcohol Rehab Programme

Rehab Clinics Group offers rehabilitation treatment throughout the UK. The residential Inpatient treatment we offer requires you to live within our rehab centre for the treatment’s duration, this is an extremely effective form of treatment that has been responsible for healing addictions throughout the world and has always been at the forefront of addiction recovery.

We have centres spread across the whole of the UK, the centre you choose doesn’t always have to be close to home due to the time spent staying at our facility and the benefits of recovering in a place which is away from the environment which has encouraged your addictive behaviours.


Our Approach to Alcohol Rehab

We will prepare a bespoke rehabilitation plan to suit your needs. When arriving at one of our rehab centres you will undergo a pre-admission assessment which involves a full physical and psychological examination. It is during the examination that you will be required to detail the nature and severity of your addiction to alcohol.  If you are also using any other substances, then this will need to be known to the assessor to make sure you receive the best possible plan.

When our team has a clearer idea on the severity of your addiction they will be able to prescribe you with a specialised treatment plan that best suits your current needs. By carrying out an examination before your treatment starts and coming up with a plan is ideal for knowing what dose of prescription drugs you will need to aid you in the detox process and when the best time would be to start those doses.


Residential Alcohol Rehab is the best solution

Alcohol addiction is extremely destructive, but it is also treatable and long term recovery is possible with an appropriate alcohol rehab treatment plan. There are various alcohol rehab programmes and treatment options and before you enter a residential or inpatient drug or alcohol rehab treatment centre you will need an initial assessment by a psychologist or substance abuse expert. This assessment is completely confidential and will help determine which residential treatment programme will give you the best chance of a long term sustainable recovery.

Residential drug and alcohol rehab is a live-in intensive treatment programme designed to help you quit drinking and give you the best chance of a sustainable recovery. Any form of drug or alcohol rehab comes with challenges, but personalised residential alcohol rehab programmes have the best recovery rates because it removes you from temptation and the environment that enables your addiction.


Entering Residential Alcohol Rehab

Alcohol Rehabilitation Therapy SessionYour road to recovery begins with an assessment of your social, psychological, emotional and mental health history so that the rehab staff can get a clear picture of the severity and pattern of your addiction. Once the staff at the rehab clinic have an overview of your addiction, they will be able to design a treatment plan specifically for you and focus on your needs.

An experienced and highly qualified team of experts at the rehab clinic provide a holistic approach to alcohol addiction treatment. If you are a long term heavy drinker you may require medically assisted alcohol rehab to lessen your withdrawal symptoms. The medication will be prescribed to you by a doctor and administered under medical supervision. During you stay in the alcohol rehab clinic you will attend therapy sessions, including family, one-on-one and peer group sessions, cognitive behavioural therapy, and skills and personal development workshops that will help you overcome your addiction and give you the tools to remain sober and live a productive, alcohol-free life.

Residential rehab centres are very effective because you are under 24-hour care from a team of trained alcohol rehab specialists, but they also allow you to learn from the experiences of others and realise that you are not alone in your addiction and personal struggles. At the alcohol rehab centre, you will be able to address the symptoms of your alcohol addiction but because addiction does not occur in a vacuum, you will also be able to explore and discuss the underlying causes and triggers of your addiction. Everything that you discuss in the rehab centre and during therapy sessions will remain completely confidential and you will receive the support you need to work through your issues. Most people suffering from alcohol use disorder will spend approximately 28-days in a residential rehab centre and during this time you will be entirely focused on your recovery.

Alcohol rehab is hard work, but the results are worth the challenges and with the right support you can get your life back on track. Call Rehab Clinics Group today and we will help you beat your alcohol addiction.


Holistically Based Alcohol Detox & Rehabilitation

Our alcohol rehab programme is holistically based with an enhanced focus on healing the mind and body of individuals. The detoxification stage of your rehab plan involves removing all harmful toxins from your system in order to get you fully clean so you can experience residential treatment in the best possible version of yourself. The benefits of this are that you can fully experience the euphoric feeling of ditching the drink and how it benefits the way you feel.

You will initially experience some withdrawal symptoms that come with substance-based detoxes, this is where the benefits of having 24-hour care comes into full effect with our medical staff monitoring you throughout the duration of your detox in order to make sure you are as comfortable as possible without experiencing any serious withdrawal symptoms. If you are struggling to deal with the detox then we can prescribe medication to help ease the symptoms and prevent serious withdrawal effects such as delirium tremens.

Therapy sessions such as group and individual therapy are carried out following your detox. The importance of these therapies cannot be understated in your recovery as they help build a positive mindset by talking about any struggles and achievements you have experienced during rehab, this can be in front of people going through the same journey or to one of our therapists. Building up the right mindset is incredibly important to long term recovery and by opening up about your journey you will start to understand your purpose a bit more and become more determined than ever to beat your addiction.

Individual therapy is undertaken with a qualified psychiatrist or psychologist as a one to one session to help the therapist evaluate your mental state and how you are benefitting from rehab.

Group therapy consists of a typical group of 5-10 people getting together and talking about their personal experiences in addiction recovery. These sessions are a great way of treating alcohol addictions as it gives the addict the chance to open up to a group of people who are going through the exact same journey. The sessions are also a great way for addicts to discuss what they have experienced in recovery and what they have done to get past any obstacles they may have faced, this helps encourage individuals that they can get through recovery through the motivation and support that is generated in a typical group therapy session.

During detox & rehab, 24 hour care and support will be provided. The team put together by Rehab Clinics Group includes professionals with years of experience in their respected fields who have been employed to provide a high quality of care that is expected in effective alcohol rehabilitation programmes.


Withdrawal Symptoms Are Unavoidable During Alcohol Rehab

Drug and alcohol addiction is so destructive because it is not just a bad habit or a sign of a lack of self-control. Substance abuse changes the chemical balance in your brain, and this leads to a physical addiction that is almost impossible to overcome without entering an addiction treatment program.

Long term alcohol abuse has a sedating effect on the brain and the body adjusts by producing an excessive amount of serotonin and norepinephrine. When the alcohol is no longer available the brain becomes overstimulated. Once your body has become physically addicted to drugs or alcohol, you will not be able to detox without experiencing some withdrawal symptoms as your body struggles to adjust to functioning without alcohol. Withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to severe and commonly occur eight to ten hours after your last drink and are typically most severe within 24 to 72-hours. Physical withdrawal symptoms include shaking, sweating, headaches, insomnia, nausea, lack of appetite, increased heart rate, seizures and tremors. Psychological symptoms can include anxiety, depression, fatigue, agitation, hallucinations, confusion and mood swings.

The most dangerous form of alcohol withdrawal occurs in severe alcoholics and is known as delirium tremens. If you are a heavy drinker, it is important to seek medical advice before you attempt to stop drinking because you should be monitored during the detox process and you could need medically assisted alcohol detox.


Why Choose Rehab Clinics Group’s Alcohol Rehab Centres

Here at Rehab Clinics Group, we are able to offer a range of centres nationwide. Whether you have an alcohol or drug addiction we can give you the help and support necessary to live a free life without dependancy on drugs and alcohol. Get in touch with our team to find an alcohol rehab centre which suits you and start your recovery journey now.


Our Most Frequently Asked Questions Relating To Alcohol Rehab

We understand that choosing the right rehab centre is an important decision – so, if you have any further questions, we would suggest reading our FAQ’s section below.

  • What Is Alcoholism?

    Alcoholism is the worst possible form of alcohol abuse and is characterised by a person’s physical need or overriding desire to drink alcohol, regardless of the consequences and the negative impact that it might have on their lives. Learn more about alcoholism.
  • Inpatient Or Outpatient Rehab?

    Deciding whether inpatient or outpatient rehab will work best for you is not an easy choice and you need to consider your options carefully before you make a decision and decide on a treatment plan. Ultimately, we know inpatient rehab is the most successful option – one of the main reasons being, you will also be removed from bad influences, temptation and the source of your addiction. Unlike outpatient rehab, during inpatient rehab, you will not have any access to drugs and alcohol. Learn more about the two different choices.
  • Should I Go To A Local Rehab Centre?

    When you are thinking of going to rehab, a first question that may pop into your mind may be 'where do I go'? Should you travel far away to attend rehab? Or should you try a centre that is closer to home and more local? Both options have their advantages. Here's a breakdown of the options.
  • Can I Bring Electronics Into Rehab?

    The most simple answer to this question is ‘generally, yes’, but you will only be able to use electronics during free time while you are at rehab. Learn more about the use of electronics in our centre's.
  • How Can Alcoholics Anonymous Help Me?

    At Rehab Clinics Group, we have always recommended Alcoholics Anonymous services to every person that reaches out to us for help with alcohol addiction. Continuing to remain sober following rehab can be challenging, and Alcoholics Anonymous gives former alcoholics continued support. Read more about the reasons we recommend AA meetings to our clients .
  • What Are The Common Misconceptions About Rehab?

    There is still a negative social stigma attached to rehab and the process of attending a recovery facility, with many misconceptions that have been created by inaccurate media portrayal. Here is an in depth breakdown about the most common misconceptions we have come across.
  • What Questions Should I Ask Before Going Into Rehab?

    Signing up to rehab is a big personal and financial commitment, and before going it is important that you find out as much as possible about a centre to make sure that it can cater for your needs and financial circumstances. We have created a guide on the subject that you may find useful.
  • What Is The Recommended Weekly Alcohol Consumption?

    It is recommended that both men and women consume no more than 14 units per week. These 14 units should be consumed over multiple days, not all in the same day. Learn more about the recommended weekly alcohol consumption.
  • How Do I Stay Sober After Rehab?

    It can also be stressful to return to everyday activities such as work and family life, which can make you crave the escape that your drug or alcohol addiction might have brought you in the past. During your stay in one of the Rehab Clinics Group’s centres, we’ll spend a lot of time preparing you for the day you return home. Read more about some of the steps you can take upon leaving the centre.
  • How Much Does Rehab Cost?

    The actual official cost of rehab will always vary from person to person because of the treatments they require. At Rehab Clinics Group we have teamed up with a range of clinics across the UK that offers various affordable treatment packages for their patients.Click here for more information.
  • How Should I Prepare For Rehab?

    There are many items that will not be allowed by rehab clinics, so its important that you follow rules and pack appropriately for your stay. We have created an in-depth guide about this along with other things you will need to prepare for.
  • What Does A Typical Day In Rehab Consist Of?

    Many rehab clinics, especially holistic ones vary from day to day in their routines because of the different therapies and activities they offer their patients, so no day is ever really ‘typical’. We have broken down what a typical day will usually look like at one of our clinics.
  • How Can Alcoholics Anonymous & Narcotics Anonymous Help Me?

    Alcoholics Anonymous & Narcotics Anonymous are free services that anyone with alcohol issues can benefit from. The organisation runs on the foundation of addicts working together and helping one another in their recovery when battling addiction. Read more about both services. We have also created an AA meetings section which you can use to find local Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in your area.
  • What Causes Alcohol Addiction To Develop?

    Alcohol Addiction is not something that happens overnight and more often than not it takes a few years to develop with different contributing factors. Find out more about what causes alcohol addiction to develop by clicking here.
  • What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Alcohol Addiction?

    There are numerous signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction and most people are familiar with the obvious ones, but it is important to also be aware of the less common symptoms or early warning signs of alcoholism. Read more about the symptoms here.
  • Does Detox Have Side Effects?

    A person suffering from a substance use disorder, like drug or alcohol addiction, typically develops a physical and mental dependency on their preferred drug. Read more about those side effects here.
  • What Should I Do If I Have A Family Member Suffering From Alcohol Addiction?

    If you are worried about a family members drinking habit and suspect they may have an addiction then please get in touch with our team to discuss. We offer a family referral service which has been designed specifically for this situation, read more.
Dr Alexander Lapa - Psychiatrist & Clinical Reviewer for Rehab Clinics Group

Dr Alexander Lapa - Clinical Reviewer - Last reviewed: March 30, 2022

MBBS, PG Dip Clin Ed, OA Dip CBT, OA Dip Psychology, SCOPE Certified

Dr Lapa graduated in Medicine in 2000 and since this time has accrued much experience working in the widest range of psychiatric settings with differing illness presentations and backgrounds in inpatient, community and secure settings. This has been aligned to continuation of professional development at postgraduate level in clinical research which has been very closely related to the everyday clinical practice conducted by this practitioner as a NHS and Private Psychiatrist.
He is fully indemnified by the Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland (MDDUS) and MIAB Expert Insurance for Psychiatric and Private Medical practice. He is fully registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) in the UK with a licence to practice.

Dr Lapa is approved under Section 12(2) of the Mental Health Act (1983)

Member of Independent Doctors Federation (IDF), British Association for Psychopharmacology (BMA) and The Association for the Study of Obesity (ASO)

Dr Lapa’s extensive experience has also concentrated on the following areas of clinical practice:
– Assessment, Diagnosis and Pharmacological Treatment for Adults with ADHD.
– Drug and Alcohol Dependency and maintaining abstinence and continued recovery
– Intravenous and Intramuscular Vitamin and Mineral Infusion Therapy
– Dietary and Weight Management and thorough care from assessment to treatment to end goals and maintenance
– Aesthetic Practice and Procedures