Can My Family and Friends Visit Me During Rehab?

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After taking the step to go into rehab, other worries may arise. One of the most common worries is about visitors. Many people are unsure about the prospect of having no contact with friends and family which can stop them from getting treatment.

The subject is an important one and there are many things to consider.

Rehab Clinics Group aims to provide every resource it has to help you with your drug or alcohol addiction. At the forefront of our philosophy is your well-being and mental health, so we take the idea of in-person visitation seriously. Continue reading to find out more.

Can My Family and Friends Visit Me During Rehab?

Can I have Visitors in Rehab?

The broad answer is that you can have visitors when you are undergoing rehabilitation. However, each facility will have its own policy on in-person visitations.

Some facilities under the Rehab Clinics Group umbrella won’t allow visitors but all allow phone calls and other communication methods. If having in-person visits is important to you then it is best to find a rehab centre that caters to this. Before entering treatment, it is best to check with your chosen drug and alcohol rehab about their specific rules.

Across all rehab facilities, you will be unable to have visitors during drug detox. This is due to the stressful nature of the process and you may not be in any fit state to receive visitors.

Most rehabs also have a blackout on communication during your first few days in treatment – that includes phone calls. This is to help you acclimatise to the rehab environment and get you focused on your recovery.


Are Children Allowed to Visit Drug and Alcohol Rehabs?

A barrier for some people entering alcohol and drug rehab is the idea of being separated from their children for a while. Also, by seeking treatment they may lose their children to the authorities.

This isn’t a baseless fear but it shouldn’t stop you from getting help. Demonstrating that you are willing to get help and entering treatment is looked upon favourably. If your child or children have a suitable guardian whilst you are in rehab then there should be nothing to worry about.

If you enter a private drug and alcohol rehab which allows visitors, then children are included in that.

Another barrier is the idea of wanting to protect children from uncomfortable subjects. Parents can be ashamed of their addiction but hiding it from children is not a positive thing to do. If children can understand the struggles, then they should be included in the recovery journey as they too will have been affected.

With support from the rehab centre children can understand more about addiction during their visit and have opportunities to ask questions and voice their thoughts and feelings.


What are the Benefits of Having Visitors in Rehab?

Family and friend involvement in the recovery process can be invaluable. If you have a close supportive network around you then you are more likely to achieve long-term recovery.

Residential addiction treatment can be intense and may feel overwhelming so having access to close emotional support can see you through these difficult times. Visits by people will help you see that you are not alone in your struggle. There are people all around you who care and this can give you the extra push to get clean.

The close involvement of family and friends means they can be more a part of the recovery journey. Close communication with counsellors and taking part in family sessions can benefit everyone involved. These family sessions complement the wide range of therapies we provide at Rehab Clinics Group very well.


The Dangers of Visitors in Inpatient Rehab

While it may be helpful for some people to have visitors from loved ones during addiction treatment, there can also be downsides.

In some situations, family and friends can be enablers in your addiction. This means they may encourage the addiction to some degree or downplay it so that you can still take drugs or drink with them. They may attempt to bring in drugs or alcohol for your benefit, undoing all the good work you have done during rehab.

On the flip side, there might be lots of anger. Addiction is a destructive force that leaves long-lasting scars. You may have ruined relationships and visitors could come to you angry, bringing up past actions and being judgemental.

This is not helpful to anyone during this period and it would certainly harm your recovery.


Dos and Don’ts of Having Visitors in Rehab

If you can have visitors then there are some things to do and not to do to make sure the visits are productive. More importantly, they need to abide by the rules of the rehab clinic so they can continue throughout your stay.


Make sure the visit is approved

This may be the most important one. Ensure that the visit of family and friends has been signed off by the clinic. Staff will evaluate if these visits are positive for your treatment and decide the best course of action. Keeping honest communication and trust between yourself, the staff and your visitors is important to make sure your treatment is effective.

Visit during the allotted time and be prompt

Clinics that allow visitation will have specific visiting hours. Abiding by these rules and being on time will ensure the visits can continue. Breaking the trust of our staff by having visitors turn up unannounced and out of hours will help no one.

Meet the staff and get to know them

This one is for your visitors. By getting to know the staff they can gain greater insight into you and form better ways to help you. Communication will also help your family and friends be more involved in your treatment.


Be negative

This should be obvious. Visits with negativity on either side help no one and may result in setbacks in your treatment. Visits are allowed because of the help they can provide – so everyone should try and be positive.

Talk about the past

During addiction treatment, you should be focused on the now. The past is the past and while it has to be dealt with, it can only cause trouble when you are in recovery.

Talk about the future

It may be tempting to consider what comes next, what the next steps are and where all your lives go from this point. Don’t. Worrying about the future can be as harmful as getting bogged down in the past. Focus on treatment and your loved ones should focus on themselves and supporting you.


Contact Us Today

Visits during rehab are an important issue in rehabilitation, having good and bad effects. You should consider what is best for you and your treatment progress before deciding if visitations are vital for your long-term recovery.

For more information on Rehab Clinics Group and the industry-leading treatment we provide, including drug and alcohol detox, contact us today at 0800 470 0382 or text HELP to 83222.

Laura Smart - Author - Last updated: September 20, 2022

Laura is a qualified counsellor and behavioural therapist specialising in CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), REBT (Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy), ACT (Acceptance & Commitment Therapy), ICT (Inner Child Therapy), MI (Motivational Interviewing), Hypnosis and Mindfulness practice. She has experience working with individuals suffering from conditions such as problem behaviours, internet and social media addictions, depression, anxiety, anger management and trauma.

Dr Alexander Lapa - Psychiatrist & Clinical Reviewer for Rehab Clinics Group

Dr Alexander Lapa - Clinical Reviewer - Last reviewed: September 20, 2022

MBBS, PG Dip Clin Ed, OA Dip CBT, OA Dip Psychology, SCOPE Certified

Dr Lapa graduated in Medicine in 2000 and since this time has accrued much experience working in the widest range of psychiatric settings with differing illness presentations and backgrounds in inpatient, community and secure settings. This has been aligned to continuation of professional development at postgraduate level in clinical research which has been very closely related to the everyday clinical practice conducted by this practitioner as a NHS and Private Psychiatrist.
He is fully indemnified by the Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland (MDDUS) and MIAB Expert Insurance for Psychiatric and Private Medical practice. He is fully registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) in the UK with a licence to practice.

Dr Lapa is approved under Section 12(2) of the Mental Health Act (1983)

Member of Independent Doctors Federation (IDF), British Association for Psychopharmacology (BMA) and The Association for the Study of Obesity (ASO)

Dr Lapa’s extensive experience has also concentrated on the following areas of clinical practice:
– Assessment, Diagnosis and Pharmacological Treatment for Adults with ADHD.
– Drug and Alcohol Dependency and maintaining abstinence and continued recovery
– Intravenous and Intramuscular Vitamin and Mineral Infusion Therapy
– Dietary and Weight Management and thorough care from assessment to treatment to end goals and maintenance
– Aesthetic Practice and Procedures