Inpatient Or Outpatient Rehab?

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Addiction is an affliction that destroys many lives but fortunately, there are various treatment options available and you and your family members need to decide what type of treatment will work best for you.

There are typically two types of drug and alcohol rehab programs for addicts, inpatient rehab and outpatient rehab. Both these treatment options are one hundred percent focused on helping addicts on their road to addiction recovery and each one comes with its own set of advantages and challenges.

Both inpatient and outpatient rehab typically offer a 12-step program, one-on-one counselling, individual and group therapy, family therapy, co-dependency therapy, holistic therapy, motivational counselling, and educational workshops.

Inpatient rehab is an intensive, residential treatment program that is designed to treat serious addiction and outpatient rehab is a part-time program that enables you to keep going to work or follow your daily routine while receiving treatment.

One of the biggest factors to consider when choosing a recovery program is the severity of your addiction. The more severe your drug or alcohol addiction, the less successful outpatient rehab tends to be. If you need medically assisted or clinical detox, then inpatient rehab is most likely going to a better and safer choice for you.

Deciding whether inpatient or outpatient rehab will work best for you is not an easy choice and you need to consider your options carefully before you make a decision and decide on a treatment plan. You also need to discuss your rehab options with your family and loved ones as your choice will have an impact on their lives and they need to understand the implications of each type of treatment.


The Benefits Of Inpatient Rehab

When you opt for inpatient rehab, most will spend approximately 28-days in a residential rehab facility, and the biggest benefit to inpatient rehab in an addiction centre is that you are constantly surrounded by medical professionals and staff members that have your best interest at heart and are working hard to facilitate your detox and rehabilitation.

The cost of rehab can vary, but rest assured that inpatient treatment is an intensive programme, providing you with a peaceful and supportive environment where you can focus on your recovery. You will also be removed from bad influences, temptation and the source of your addiction. Unlike outpatient rehab, during inpatient rehab, you will not have any access to drugs and alcohol.

Choosing to enter a rehab facility is good for addicts who require medically assisted detox, but it also has many therapeutic benefits, including intensive cognitive behavioural therapy and group counselling.

Inpatient rehab is highly recommended for addicts who suffer from long term addiction, have tried and failed to kick their habit on their own, are addicted to multiple substances, have suicidal tendencies or thoughts, suffer from a pre-existing medical or mental health condition or have tried outpatient rehab in the past but have been unable to end their addiction.


What To Expect During Inpatient Rehab

When you enter an inpatient rehab facility you will be there 24 hours a day for the duration of your treatment and it is important to be prepared. You will need to talk to your employer and explain your position, and if you have children you will have to make arrangements to ensure that they are well cared for while you are in rehab.

The duration of an inpatient treatment program can vary from one week to one month or even be as long as six months. During inpatient rehab, you will be able to focus entirely on your health and getting sober. Every day in rehab is carefully structured and all your time is accounted for. You will take part in group and individual counselling sessions with psychologist, psychiatrists, and counsellors.

In most cases when you enter an inpatient addiction clinic the first step in the program will be medically assisted detox. During this process, you will be prescribed specific drugs and you will be closely monitored to ensure that you do not experience any life-threatening withdrawal symptoms.

Drugs and alcohol have a physical effect on your body and alter the chemical levels in your brain and that means that when you detox you will experience withdrawal symptoms and your body will crave your drug of choice. If you have a severe drug or alcohol addiction you should never try to detox on your own as you will require medical supervision during the process. Withdrawal from drugs like opioids, benzodiazepine and heroin can be fatal.


The Benefits Of Outpatient Rehab

During outpatient rehab, you do not stay in a residential rehab facility and you will return home every day after your treatment, counselling or therapy sessions. Outpatient rehab is less restrictive than inpatient rehab and has the benefit of allowing you to continue with many of your daily routines, you can go to work and be at home with your family during your treatment. This can be both a disadvantage or an advantage depending on your support network and home environment.

An outpatient program can last three to six months and typically requires you to spend 10 to 12 hours a week at a treatment centre attending counselling and therapy sessions, and educational workshops. Outpatient rehab works well for people whose addiction is in the early stages and is not yet too severe or debilitating.

If you do not require medical detox and you are not expected to experience life-threatening withdrawal symptoms, then attending an outpatient rehab program can work for you and set you on the road to a successful recovery. It is important to remember that outpatient rehab takes self-control and commitment and you need to be totally invested in the process if you want to kick your habit.

A significant benefit of outpatient treatment is that it is more cost-effective than inpatient rehab but obviously you get what you pay for and while outpatient rehab costs less, it also means that you get less support and care. If you choose outpatient rehab, the onus is on you to make it work and avoid temptation.

Regardless of which treatment option you choose, inpatient or outpatient rehab could be the first step on your road to recovery. Contact us today on 03301 596 494 to discuss your treatment options.

Laura Smart - Author - Last updated: May 26, 2023

Laura is a qualified counsellor and behavioural therapist specialising in CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), REBT (Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy), ACT (Acceptance & Commitment Therapy), ICT (Inner Child Therapy), MI (Motivational Interviewing), Hypnosis and Mindfulness practice. She has experience working with individuals suffering from conditions such as problem behaviours, internet and social media addictions, depression, anxiety, anger management and trauma.