Across the United Kingdom, heroin abuse continues to take its toll on the lives of thousands of people each year. Sadly, as the number of people abusing heroin continues to rise, so do heroin-related illnesses and deaths.
Classed as opioid use disorders (OUD), heroin abuse and addictions impact people from all walks of life. Yet, due to stigmas surrounding heroin abuse and heroin addictions, this is often overlooked.
If you find your life impaired by a heroin addiction and are yet to secure treatment, we would urge you to do so as soon as possible.
What Causes Heroin Addictions To Arise?
Heroin addictions typically arise when heroin is abused over a substantial period of time. This is because opioid drugs, such as heroin, are known to create feelings of pleasure and euphoria when consumed.
As a result, many individuals begin to believe that consuming heroin can positively impact their lives.
However, this is sadly not true. Consuming heroin for weeks, months or years significantly reduces the quality of an individual’s life.
Are you suffering from a Heroin Addiction and need help? If so, Rehab Clinics Group are leading UK based experts in heroin rehabilitation treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today. You can either call our confidential helpline on 0800 470 0382 or request a callback by clicking on the below form.
Identifying If Heroin Addiction Treatment Is Required
Identifying if heroin addiction treatment is required can be somewhat tricky. However, just as many other opioid use disorders (OUD) come hand-in-hand with signs and symptoms that highlight an addiction is present, heroin addictions do too.
The signs and symptoms associated with heroin addictions will indicate that heroin abuse has begun to impair your physical and psychological health. With this in mind, if you experience any signs and symptoms associated with heroin addictions, you must secure treatment.
If you are struggling with a heroin addiction, you may also isolate yourself from your loved ones in a bid to hide your addiction from them. You may also have financial difficulty due to spending excessive amounts of money on your heroin addiction.
Heroin Addiction Treatment Is Available
Heroin addictions are extremely dangerous and, sadly, as noted above, have many long-lasting and devastating consequences. However, please remember that heroin addiction treatment is available.
If you have developed a heroin dependency, you may be unsure if there is treatment available. You may even question whether treatment can help you overcome your heroin addiction.
Although overcoming a heroin addiction is not easy, there is a wealth of treatment readily available for you to take advantage of. Treatment will guarantee that you can make a long-term recovery as long as you are prepared to commit to a lifetime of sobriety.
Across the United Kingdom, public and private rehabs administer heroin addiction treatment every day. Public rehabs, such as NHS facilities, focus on providing psychological therapy.
In contrast, private rehabs, such as our own, create detailed treatment programmes that include detoxification, rehabilitation and aftercare support for those struggling with a heroin dependency.
Our Rehab Clinics Can Provide Heroin Addiction Treatment
As you turn your thoughts to securing heroin addiction treatment, you may well have consulted with your local doctor. Although NHS treatment is beneficial, it can be challenging to secure treatment via the NHS.
This is because NHS resources are stretched. Furthermore, NHS clinics are not always able to provide treatment that is tailored to your specific needs.
While this may be somewhat disheartening to hear, and you may be left feeling as though there is little help available for you, here at Rehab Clinics Group, we have a wealth of private residential treatment centres across the United Kingdom that can provide you with industry-leading heroin addiction treatment.
Personalised Treatment Programmes For Heroin Addictions
Should you decide to attend one of our rehab clinics, you will come to realise that your recovery is at the heart of everything we do.
We will only ever administer treatment that we believe will help you secure a long-term recovery, and we will take your personal needs into consideration to ensure that they are catered to.
Before commencing treatment at one of our rehab clinics, you will be required to undergo a clinical assessment. This assessment will provide our teams with the opportunity to gauge the physical and psychological impact your heroin addiction has had. The clinical assessment will also identify the severity of your heroin addiction.
Although the thought of completing a clinical assessment can be nerve-wracking, especially if you are yet to openly discuss your heroin dependency with anyone, this assessment will ensure that your personalised treatment programme can be developed.
Typically consisting of a medically induced detoxification, psychological therapy, well-being therapy, one-to-one therapy, group therapy and aftercare support, as you progress through heroin addiction treatment, you will have the opportunity to distinguish the factors that have played a prominent role in your heroin dependency.
Understanding these factors will enable you to create coping strategies that will mitigate your risk of relapse and identify what you may need to work on going forward.
As you withdraw from heroin and begin to recover physically and psychologically from your addiction, our teams will monitor your progress. When they believe you are ready to leave rehab and continue your recovery at home, they will approach you to discuss aftercare support.
Our aftercare support will see you obtain 12-months of free help and guidance following your time in rehab. You will also be encouraged to attend regular group therapy sessions at one of our rehab clinics.
Contact Us For Heroin Addiction Treatment
If you have developed a heroin dependency and now feel that the time is right for you to turn your life around, please contact us as soon as possible for heroin addiction treatment.
Without treatment, your heroin addiction will intensify rapidly.