Treatment Dartford
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres In Dartford

We have Treatment Centres for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Dartford

Though many individuals attempt to overcome their addiction alone, professional treatment is the most effective solution.
Irrespective of whether you are struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction, you must contact a drug and alcohol rehab in Dartford today.   However, if attending a drug and alcohol rehab in Dartford is not a suitable choice, we welcome you to take advantage of our treatment options.


Are you suffering from Alcohol Addiction and need help? If so, Rehab Clinics Group are leading UK based experts in alcohol rehabilitation treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today. Call our confidential helpline on 0800 470 0382 or request a callback by clicking on the button below.

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Addictions Treated At Rehab Clinics Group

To ensure that treatment can be sought for a plethora of substance addictions, here at Rehab Clinics Group, our team of addiction and recovery specialists are on hand to provide treatment for the following:

Irrespective of the addiction encountered, private addiction treatment is available via our rehab clinics


Private Addiction Treatment

Private addiction treatment is administered on an inpatient basis and remains the most beneficial form of drug and alcohol addiction treatment.

In addition to offering those in recovery a safe space to relax and recuperate from the ramification of addiction, when private addiction treatment is secured, personalised treatment programmes can be expected.

Combining several different treatments, personalised treatment programmes guarantee that each individual’s addiction and recovery needs are catered to.  Though the treatments incorporated into personalised treatment programmes depend on an individual’s experience with substances, our clients have access to the following treatments:

Usually completed within 28-days, our personalised treatment programmes have helped many individuals overcome their addiction and maintain their recovery.


Withdrawing From Substances

Withdrawing from substances is a vital part of any individual’s recovery.  Although withdrawing from drugs and alcohol independently can be extremely dangerous, withdrawing under the watchful eye of medical professionals within a private rehabilitation centre is entirely safe.

At Rehab Clinics Group, our medically induced detoxification treatments are orchestrated to initiate the withdrawal process and ensure that drugs and alcohol can be eliminated from the body.  Usually spanning seven days, detoxification essentially kick-starts recovery.


Rehabilitation and Therapy

Though withdrawing from substances is vital if individuals are to overcome their substance dependency, undergoing a medically-induced detoxification is only the first stage of addiction treatment.

As addictions are psychological disorders that control how those affected think and behave, therapies including cognitive behavioural therapy and dialectical behavioural therapy must be completed.

These particular therapies assess the cause of addiction and support individuals as they challenge any negative emotions that incline them to use and abuse drugs and alcohol.


Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Drug and alcohol addiction treatment is highly successful.However, up to 70% of people who attend a drug and alcohol rehab require additional treatment for mental health disorders and behavioural addictions.  If treatment for a co-existing addiction is needed, our team of experts have the knowledge and experience needed to supply dual diagnosis treatment.

Dual diagnosis treatment combines addiction treatments, such as detoxification, with mental health treatments, such as abuse counselling, trauma counselling, stress management and bereavement counselling.  Combining these treatments ensures that both addictions and mental health disorders can be simultaneously overcome.

To determine whether dual diagnosis treatment is needed, clinical assessments are conducted to evaluate physical and psychological recovery needs.


Aftercare Support

Detoxification, rehabilitation, therapy and dual diagnosis treatment are all essential components of addiction recovery programmes.  Not only do they ensure that the ramifications of addictions can be addressed and overcome, but they decrease the risk that an individual will relapse within the weeks, months and years that follow.

However, many individuals struggle to navigate life after rehab.  In turn,40-60% of people that attend rehab relapse within the first 12 months of their recovery.

To help our clients transition from life in rehab to life at home, we provide 12-months of free aftercare support.  Our aftercare support includes one-to-one cognitive behavioural therapy and group therapy.


Contact Us Today For Addiction Treatment

Although you may have been waiting for the right time to contact a drug and alcohol rehab in Dartford for treatment, it is vital to remember that addictions are psychological disorders that intensify quickly.  As a result, treatment must be secured as soon as you identify that you have become dependent on drugs or alcohol.

To refer yourself for treatment at one of our rehab clinics across the United Kingdom, we would urge you to contact our admissions team today by calling 0800 001 4070.

  • Why is Aftercare so important?

    Detoxification, rehabilitation, and therapy are highly successful forms of addiction treatment. However, as an individual leaves a drug and alcohol rehab in Dartford and continues their recovery at home, appropriate aftercare is paramount. Aftercare essentially helps those who have completed drug and alcohol addiction treatment maintain their recovery.
  • How do I help someone close to me with their Addiction issues?

    Helping an individual whose life is affected by an addiction can be extremely difficult. Though many will attempt to remove substances from an individual, this is not safe nor recommended. To help someone close to you with their addiction issues, at Rehab Clinics Group, we recommend making a family or friend referral. Our family and friend referral services ensure that immediate help and support can be secured. Although our family and friend referral services benefit many, staging an intervention is sometimes necessary. An intervention sees concerned family members and friends confront the individual struggling with an addiction in a safe space. Overseen by one of our therapists, an intervention aims to provide treatment to those in need.
  • Do substances make Mental Health issues worse?

    Individuals that consume drugs and alcohol often do so to alleviate mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety. However, unbeknown to many, substances can make mental health problems significantly worse. This is because drugs and alcohol cause people to experience symptoms associated with mental health problems. In the instance that a substance addiction and mental health issue co-exist, dual diagnosis treatment must be provided.