Alcohol Treatment in Glasgow
Alcohol Rehab Centres In Glasgow

Start Your Journey to Recovery With Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Glasgow

The devastating effects of drug and alcohol addiction in Scotland is an ever-growing battle. That’s why it’s more important than ever for Glasgow to provide addiction services that offer compassionate and comprehensive support to people wanting to overcome their addiction.

Below, we’ve provided information on the latest statistics on drug and alcohol use in Scotland, highlighting the extent of the problem and its impact on individuals and local communities.


Drug Addiction in Glasgow 

Unfortunately, there is a growing concern when it comes to drug use throughout Scotland. According to NRS, between 2017 and 2021, there were 44.4 drug-related deaths per 100,000 people living in Glasgow. 

In addition to the above, in the year 2023 alone, drug abuse claimed the lives of 1,130 people in Scotland. The majority of these deaths were attributed to the use of benzodiazepines, such as heroin and methadone.


Alcohol Addiction in Glasgow 

According to the National Records of Scotland, the Glasgow city region has the second-highest proportion of alcoholics per population. 

Tragically, this has led to the loss of many lives due to alcohol dependency. In 2021, 1,245 people sadly passed away in Scotland as a direct result of drinking.


Our Drug and Alcohol Rehab Glasgow Services 

If you are looking for a private drug and alcohol rehab centre in Glasgow, we can provide access to a variety of CQC-registered clinics that are just a short drive from the city centre. 

Our compassionate team of experts within our private rehabilitation centres are committed to tailoring treatment programmes to the specific and unique needs of everyone we help. This approach ensures that each and every one of our patients receives the care, guidance and support they need to overcome addiction and achieve long-term recovery.


CQC Registered Drug and Alcohol Rehab Glasgow Centres

We understand that seeking addiction treatment can be a daunting and overwhelming process. 

We want to provide peace of mind to our patients, ensuring that they receive the best possible treatment in a compassionate and supportive environment. 

That’s why we only work with CQC-registered rehab clinics, which are thoroughly maintained and regulated to meet the highest standards of quality and safety. This is incredibly important, exceptionally in the context of rehabilitation. 

At our drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres, we also provide complete transparency regarding our services and pricing structures. Our goal is to ensure that you have all the information you need to make the best possible choice for your health and well-being.


How Much Does Rehab Cost In Glasgow?

How much it costs to receive rehabilitation treatment will depend on the type of programme you choose. 

For inpatient treatment at a private alcohol and drug rehab in Glasgow, the cost can vary based on the length of stay and the specific details of the treatment programme. 

Generally speaking, you can expect to pay around £3,000 for a 7 day stay. For a 28 day programme, the total cost can vary from £6,000 to £14,000. Private outpatient treatment can be a more affordable option, typically ranging from £1,000 and £3,000.


What Rehab Options Are Available In Glasgow? 

When exploring the right Glasgow addiction services for you, it’s important to consider which approach to rehabilitation would be more suitable to your needs. Depending on the level of support you require, this will either be in the form of inpatient or outpatient treatment. 


Inpatient Glasgow Addiction Services 

Outpatient treatment can be a suitable option for some, but for those who require more intensive support during the transition to sobriety, it may not be the best choice. 

If you feel that outpatient treatment may not be enough to overcome your addiction, the most suitable option would be an inpatient treatment programme at a residential drug and alcohol rehab clinic. 

Inpatient treatment is known to be one of the most effective approaches to rehabilitation. This is because patients stay at the clinic and receive full 24-hour support through detoxification, which is then followed by a structured treatment approach that’s designed to help patients reach recovery. 

Addiction specialists will provide tailored care and support, as well as individual and group therapy sessions. Their main goal is to help patients confront and overcome their addiction while also helping them to develop healthy coping skills. 

The team will also provide comprehensive relapse prevention plans to prepare patients for a successful transition back to their daily lives, equipped with the tools and support needed for long-term recovery. 

Patients will also receive access to a range of holistic therapies, which are carried out by medical professionals. This is so patients have a chance to improve their mental, spiritual and physical well-being, outside of their structured treatment programmes. 

Providing a secure environment and ensuring that patients feel safe and protected is a top priority in our residential rehabs in Glasgow. 

To recap the above, the main advantages of inpatient care include: 

  • Round-the-clock care – guidance and support will be constantly available from addiction specialists.
  • Medically assisted detox – withdrawal will be under the care of medical professionals, who are there to support in any way possible. 
  • Safety and security – patients won’t go on their recovery journey alone. Instead, they will stay within a protected and secure residential setting, with access to 24/7 care and supervision from compassionate medical professionals. 
  • Comfort – patients will receive treatment in a peaceful, comfortable and well-maintained residential facility, designed to provide a safe haven for those on their journey to recovery. 
  • No access to drugs or alcohol – patients will be in an environment that is away from temptation, allowing them the space and time needed to focus on their personal journey. 
  • A personalised approach to rehabilitation – inpatient treatment will be tailored to the person, meaning that the care approach is shaped based on the patient’s specific needs. 
  • Intensive therapy – both individual and group therapy sessions play a pivotal role at our Glasgow rehab centres, providing the space for patients to address and come to terms with their experiences with addiction. 
  • Luxury facilities – private ensuite bedrooms, serene gardens and welcoming communal areas are just a few examples of what you can expect at any one of our rehabilitation centres. 
  • Relapse prevention – our patients will be given comprehensive relapse prevention support along with a free aftercare package, designed to help with coping once their inpatient treatment comes to an end.



How Long Can I Stay at a Glasgow Rehab Centre? 

The answer to this question will depend on your personal circumstances and the type of treatment programme you are seeking. 

Generally speaking, it’s normal for our patients to remain with us at one of our rehab Glasgow clinics for a 28 day programme.  

Those that require ongoing support may stay with us for longer (e.g. 8 weeks), but the duration of treatment will be entirely dependent on the patient and what support they require.


What Level of Support Can You Expect from Inpatient Rehab Care in Glasgow?

At one of our Glasgow rehab facilities, patients will be free from judgement, and receive access to round-the-clock support from a team that understands the complexities of addiction, providing the best guidance and support possible. 

Inpatient rehab care will follow a structured programme, which will take place in a comfortable, peaceful and supportive residential environment. This is so patients can focus on their journey to recovery, away from everyday distractions.

Rest assured, our drug and alcohol rehab Glasgow based clinics offer the highest standard of care to each and every individual, no matter how complex or unique their circumstances are. Every rehab offers a safe and private environment, where you will be supported and cared for every step of the way, under the supervision of highly trained addiction specialists and medical professionals.


Who Would Be Considered a Good Fit for Residential Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Glasgow?

Private rehabilitation is for anyone who is ready to take their first step towards recovery, as inpatient treatment is a commitment that will need to be followed to be effective. 

If you are uncertain, see below for more information on the most important aspects of inpatient treatment to consider before committing to a programme.


Access To Family And Friends During Treatment

Inpatient treatment can mean that interaction with friends and family members will be less frequent than usual

This can be a tough transition for those who rely on their support systems, but this is only in place so that patients can use their time at the clinic to focus purely on their recovery.  

It’s worth highlighting that all patients will still have access to visitors, and they will be able to contact their loved ones on their devices, whether that’s for a Facetime catch-up or a chat over the phone.


Balancing Recovery And Everyday Responsibilities

Being an inpatient at a residential rehab centre means that patients must prioritise their recovery over their everyday responsibilities, such as work. While this can be a challenging decision to make, it is important to remember that taking the time to focus on healing can lead to long-term benefits for both the patient and their career. 

It is also worth noting that some employers may offer a leave of absence for employees seeking treatment, so it’s definitely worth exploring these options with your company.


The Cost of Private Rehabilitation

The price of inpatient rehabilitation treatment will go towards a variety of aspects, such as the day-to-day running of the facility and the compensation of medical professionals. The cost structure is designed to ensure that patients receive the highest level of care possible. 


Inpatient Treatment Revolves Around a Structured Schedule

At first, it’s not unusual for some patients to need some time to adjust to a structured schedule that comes with an inpatient treatment programme. For example, this can include specific time schedules for therapy sessions and mealtimes. 

However, there are reasons behind why these types of rehabilitation treatments are structured, the most important one being that it helps to promote a safe and comfortable environment where patients know what to expect day to day. 

In addition to the above, structured treatment means that patients have a clear schedule to follow that precisely outlines the steps that are needed to achieve recovery. 

This allows patients to take control of their addiction and feel a sense of achievement when milestones are hit, as they are accountable for their own efforts and can take ownership of their recovery journey. 


Specific Boundaries Are In Place During Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient treatment requires patients to stay at the rehab centre throughout the entire duration of their treatment, whether that’s for a one-week detox or an entire 28-day stay. 

This means that patients won’t be able to come and go as they please, which can be difficult for those who were hoping for a more flexible treatment option. 

Having specific boundaries in place is an important aspect of any inpatient treatment programme, as although the first couple of days might be a little challenging, staying at the rehabilitation centre is a temporary experience where a patient can work towards a long-term recovery solution.



What Can I Get Treatment for in Glasgow?

Our private Glasgow rehab centre provides expert guidance and support for all types of addiction. 

The most common addictions treated in our rehabilitation clinic are:


Choosing the Right Alcohol and Drug Detox Programme for You in Glasgow

If you’re considering a drug detox programme in Glasgow, opting for inpatient treatment can greatly increase your chances of success. 

Outpatient treatment will mean that you will still be exposed to the same triggers and temptations, as substance abuse is prevalent in Glasgow. 

Returning home after outpatient treatment may also place you in situations where drugs or alcohol are easily accessible. To minimise these risks, it’s important to define and set boundaries with people, even if they are friends, who may negatively influence you during the detox process. 

Inpatient treatment provides a much safer and more controlled environment, where you won’t be exposed to any temptation. You’ll be able to focus solely on your well-being and recovery, without having to worry about external pressures or distractions. 

Inpatient treatment can also offer a personalised approach to detox care, as medical professionals can closely monitor your progress and adjust your treatment plan as necessary.

When Going Through Detox, What Are Some Typical Withdrawal Symptoms That People Experience?

Several withdrawal symptoms are known to be quite common, but the level of severity can vary quite significantly. 

For example, if you have been struggling with substance abuse or excessive alcohol consumption for many years, your symptoms may feel more severe at first compared to someone who has only been addicted for a short period.

Another factor that can influence which withdrawal symptoms are experienced is the specific dependency. For instance, someone with chronic alcoholism may have a different detox experience in terms of symptoms than someone who is struggling with cocaine addiction. 

Other factors can also influence the severity of withdrawal symptoms, which can be person-specific. So, in other words, your age, withdrawal method, and the physical and emotional condition of the patient are all contributing factors to how severe (or mild) the withdrawal process can be.

Depending on your specific addiction, during detox, it may be normal to experience: 

  • A high temperature.
  • Nausea.
  • Shaking.
  • Intense cravings.
  • Fatigue.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Diarrhoea.
  • Mood swings.
  • Emotional challenges (e.g. feelings of depression, shame, anxiety and despair).
  • Physical aching.
  • Vomiting.

In extreme cases, severe withdrawal symptoms may look like: 

  • Excessive sweating.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Severe paranoia.
  • Extreme confusion.
  • Seizures.
  • Psychotic episodes (such as psychosis).

Unfortunately, challenging withdrawal symptoms aren’t uncommon. This is why it is strongly encouraged to undergo detox as an inpatient, under the care of a rehabilitation clinic.

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Medically Assisted Detox Treatment Programmes 

If you’re struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, seeking inpatient detox treatment can be a life-changing decision. 

Patients who choose this option will have access to a team of medical professionals who will be on hand to support and guide the process, making it much more likely that you will complete the detox phase without experiencing a relapse.  

Our Glasgow rehab clinics have extensive experience in guiding patients through the worst stages of withdrawal and are also able to prescribe detox medication to help alleviate symptoms.


Can I Refer A Loved One to A Glasgow Rehab Clinic?

Yes. If you are looking to admit a loved one to one of our private rehab facilities in Glasgow, we are here to help. 

You will be able to refer a friend or family member, with their consent, and the team will recommend the best rehabilitation programme, rehab clinic, and approach based on the information shared. 

If you’re worried about how well your loved one will be taken care of during their inpatient addiction treatment, an aspect that has brought a sense of relief to those in similar situations is our admissions team, which is a unique and important part of what makes our centres different from others. Our team have all experienced recovery from addiction themselves, so they understand what your loved one may be going through better than most.

Our team is also available seven days a week to chat with you and provide guidance and support as you refer your family member for treatment. 

It’s also worth highlighting that a number of our private clinics do offer time slots for visitors, so rest assured that you will be able to check up on your loved one to see how they are doing.



How Does Outpatient Treatment Work, and What Are the Potential Drawbacks?

With an outpatient programme, you won’t be required to stay at a clinic. Instead, you’ll be able to stay living at home and seek treatment by attending treatment appointments. 

While outpatient treatment programmes can be effective for some, it’s important to recognise that they may not be the best fit for everyone. 

Most people will require a more structured and intense approach to overcoming addiction than outpatient treatment can provide, making it a less effective treatment option when compared to inpatient programmes. 

What this means is that patients who opt for outpatient treatment programmes are at a higher risk of relapse. 

Many people find breaking the cycle of addiction is challenging, and for some individuals, the lack of access to medical guidance and support can make it harder to stay on track.

Another main obstacle with outpatient care is that you will remain in your current environment. After treatment sessions, returning home can be challenging, as you will likely encounter the same triggers and people that contributed to your addiction.  

The temptation to give up and seek out substances is ever-present, but it will feel more intense than ever during the initial detox stage. The abrupt withdrawal that comes with detoxing will require immense willpower to overcome when done at home, as you won’t have access to the round-the-clock care that most need to see this stage through. 

While the support of family and friends is incredibly helpful to someone who struggling to cope with an addiction, it’s important to remember that, for many, it cannot replace 24-hour professional support from addiction specialists. 

To recap the above information, the biggest challenges that come with opting for outpatient treatment are:

  • There is no access to around-the-clock care.
  • You’ll be returning to the same environment where your addiction developed.
  • With an outpatient treatment programme, it’s easy to access the substances that you’re addicted to, such as drugs or alcohol.
  • You may still be in touch with people who are involved with substances, which can be too tempting for some.
  • Detoxification can be an extremely challenging process alone, both physically and mentally, making it harder to successfully complete. 
  • Individuals who undergo supervised detoxification are significantly less likely to experience a relapse during this stage. 


Glasgow Recovery Service Zones

Treatment for outpatient drug and alcohol care in Glasgow is split into three zones and delivered through the Local Drug and Alcohol Recovery Services

To begin the process, it would be helpful for you to reach out to the recovery centre that is most accessible to you. 

Glasgow recovery service zones include: 

  • North West Glasgow.
  • North East Glasgow.
  • South Glasgow.


Services Provided by the Glasgow Local Drug and Alcohol Team 

Glasgow recovery service zones offer a variety of resources to those in need. They will also assist you in scheduling an appointment with an advisor who can explain and guide you through the available services. 

See below for a general list of addiction services that can be accessed: 

  • Drug and alcohol abuse advice.
    • Community detox programmes.
    • Social issue support.
    • Needle replacements.
    • Opiate replacements.
    • Virus testing.
    • Help with interventions.
    • Access to community groups.
    • Support for parents.
    • Support for children. 


Outpatient Service Locations

North East Alcohol Recovery Services, Westwood House, 1250 Westerhouse Road, Glasgow, G34 9EA

Mon-Thu 08:45-16:45; Friday 08:45-15:55

0141 276 3420


North East Alcohol Recovery Services, The Newlands Centre, 871 Springfield Road, Glasgow, G31 4HZ

Mon-Thu 08:45-16:45; Friday 08:45-15:55

0141 565 0200


North West Alcohol Recovery Services, Hecla Square, 35 Hecla Avenue, Drumchapel, Glasgow, G15 8NA

Mon-Thu 8.45am- 4.45pm; Friday 8.45am-3:55pm

0141 276 4330


North West Alcohol Recovery Services, 891 Garscube Road, Woodside Health and Care Centre, Glasgow, G20 7ER

Mon-Thu 08:45-16:45; Friday 08:45-15:55

0141 800 0670


South Alcohol Recovery Services, Pavilion One, Rowan Business Park, 5 Ardlaw Street, Glasgow, G51 3RX

Mon-Fri 09:00-16:30

0141 276 8740


South Alcohol Recovery Services, Gorbals Health and Care Centre, 2 Sandiefield Road, Glasgow, G5 9AB

Mon-Thu 08:45-16:45; Friday 08:45-15:55

0141 420 8100


Will The NHS Pay For Rehab Treatment?

The NHS can cover the cost of rehab treatment at a private residential centre, but it’s not common. 

Securing these types of arrangements is rare, as current budgets for addiction treatment are usually spent on community-based settings rather than inpatient rehab centres. 

We deeply understand rehabilitation is a financial commitment, but rest assured we will work with you to find the most affordable rehab centre for you in Glasgow.


Mental Health And Addiction In Glasgow

It’s important to recognise that addiction and mental health problems can often go hand in hand, and those who struggle with addiction may also be dealing with significant mental health challenges. 

In fact, according to Public Health Scotland, 92% of all drug and alcohol-related hospital stays resulted in mental health or behavioural diagnosis.

This means that those who are living with an addiction not only face physical health risks but also an increased risk of developing long-lasting mental health issues. In some cases, dependency can even lead to a complete breakdown.

This link is something our Glasgow rehab centres wholeheartedly recognise and aim to identify and treat patients for, alongside their addiction treatment. This approach is known as dual diagnosis. 


What Is Dual Diagnosis Treatment? 

If a patient receives a dual diagnosis, it means that they are dealing with both a mental health disorder and a substance abuse disorder at the same time. Sometimes, the reason for their addiction can be a direct result of living with mental health challenges, or it could be a result of their addiction itself. 

Because every person’s journey with addiction is different, treating a patient who has received a dual diagnosis requires a specialised approach to address both the mental health and addiction issues together. 

If mental health challenges are identified during the admissions process, a comprehensive treatment programme will be provided to the patient to ensure they receive the best care possible. 


How Is Dual Diagnosis Determined?

When someone arrives at one of the Glasgow centres for addiction treatment, the admissions team will start by working with them to develop a personalised treatment plan. 

During this process, it’s common to uncover underlying mental health issues (if they are present) that contribute to addiction. Our medical professionals will then ensure that specific treatments are included within each personalised dual diagnosis programme, providing patients with the best chance of sustainable recovery. 

Rest assured, our experienced psychiatrists at our Glasgow rehab centres are highly skilled in identifying dual diagnosis issues in patients and finding the right treatments and therapies to suit all patients, no matter what they are facing. 


What Happens After Private Rehab Treatment in Glasgow? 

Patients who stay at one of our private rehabilitation centres will receive a complimentary 12-month aftercare package upon completion of treatment. 

We believe this gives our patients that little bit of extra support needed to maintain their recovery, as it’ll include access to our expert recovery team and the ability to attend any of our clinics for group therapy sessions.

Another resource we strongly recommend for our patients is to attend Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and/or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings, which take place regularly. 

AA and NA meetings offer a secure and caring environment for people to find common ground with others who share similar struggles and receive support to stay on track. You can also attend as often or as little as you like, either at a local meet-up or online. 

These meetings are open to anyone seeking help, are confidential, and free of charge.


Drug and Alcohol Rehab Aftercare in Glasgow

Recovery from addiction is an ongoing journey, and our clinics in Glasgow recognise the importance of support after residential drug and alcohol rehab treatment

Rest assured, we are wholeheartedly dedicated to offering comprehensive aftercare packages for those who have bravely faced drug and alcohol rehabilitation, ensuring the transition back into daily life is as smooth and sustainable as possible.

Our clinics offer comprehensive aftercare that is rooted in a holistic approach, designed to address the diverse needs of recovering individuals, no matter how unique. Continuous counselling with our addiction specialists is made available to you, as we understand that challenges can arise unexpectedly after rehab. 

We also believe in the strength of community – hence, our aftercare features frequent support group sessions, providing a space where mutual understanding and support among peers is encouraged. Additionally, we have a support line that you will be able to call day or night, providing those in recovery with ongoing advice and knowledge on managing cravings and sustaining a balanced, sober life. 

We stand by the commitment to long-term recovery. That’s why our aftercare support extends for a full year post-treatment, offered entirely free of charge. At Rehab Clinics Group in Glasgow, our priority is your lasting recovery, and we will always be there whenever you need us.


Take the First Step Towards a Brighter Future by Contacting Rehab Clinics Group Today

Whether you’re seeking help for yourself or a loved one, we’re here to guide you through every step of the process. From the initial assessment to aftercare and ongoing support, our team is committed to helping you achieve lasting recovery.

To get in touch with our team, you can reach us at 03301 596 494 or email for further advice and support on our treatment programmes.