We have treatment centres for alcohol rehab in Haringey
Disabling a drug and alcohol addiction will involve various treatments, therapies, and processes. In order to withdraw from addictive substances, detoxification is one of the most effective treatments.
Also important across the addiction recovery process, there are many other treatment services to complete, post-detox. In place to heal the mind and to prepare for long-term recovery, the likes of cognitive behavioural therapy, relapse prevention and aftercare will also be recommended.
Are you suffering from Alcohol Addiction and need help? If so, Rehab Clinics Group are a leading UK based expert in alcohol rehabilitation treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today. Call our confidential helpline on 0800 470 0382 or request a callback by clicking on the button below.
Through private rehabilitation, bespoke treatment programmes can be experienced on an inpatient basis, which we can help you encounter here at Rehab Clinics Group. Outpatient treatment can alternatively be completed on the NHS yet is less effective whilst battling an addiction.
By finding a private drug and alcohol rehab in Haringey to reside in, necessary addiction treatment services can be worked through with reassurance. Additional services can also be benefitted from, helping to improve the recovery process and to elevate mental health.
Reach out to experience addiction treatment services through our group of rehab clinics.
Addiction help in Haringey
Drugs and alcohol are dangerous and addictive substances. They impact how the body and brain function, making them challenging substances to withdraw from and overlook.
Over the course of consumption, the body and brain will adjust to the presence of drugs and alcohol. Adjustments increase the need for consumption, to combat cravings, urges and internal needs.
To overlook and readjust the body and brain, drug and alcohol withdrawal, and rehabilitation are imperative. Possible to achieve through a detoxification process and various treatments and therapies, the cycle can be broken, and habits can begin to reduce.
Professional addiction help will be best to source, to work through treatment plans safely and progressively towards sobriety. Via a private drug and alcohol rehab in Haringey, plans will be readily available and tailored to your needs.
How does rehab work?
Drug and alcohol rehab provides exposure to a wide range of treatment options and recovery tools. It’s a platform which encourages and motivates physical and psychological change. Rehab plans are designed to promote recovery, improve mental health, and reduce future relapse.
Treatment programmes are offered through two different formats, providing suitable timelines, costs, and processes. Offered here at Rehab Clinics Group, inpatient treatment is a popular format, providing around the 24/7 care and access to rehabilitation facilities. You can check into a private drug and alcohol rehab in Aston for inpatient rehab, averagely organised over a 4-week period.
The second form of rehab is outpatient treatment, which you can work through alongside your existing commitments. Offered over a number of months, you can regularly visit a rehabilitation centre via the NHS.
Whilst outpatient treatment is convenient, it’s less effective when compared against the structure of residential rehab. Outpatient treatment is classed as a long-term treatment plan, whereas inpatient treatment is proactive and highly effective when followed by self-help and aftercare.
What happens during rehab?
Rehab is a personal journey to work through. Rehab programmes are fully tailored through private rehab to cater to personal needs and circumstances. Whilst differences are expected between programmes, there are some common steps to the rehab process, which must be fulfilled.
Facilitated by specialist teams of medical professionals, psychiatrists and therapists, various treatments and therapies will be arranged through rehab. Successful programmes will motivate detoxification, rehabilitation, and long-term recovery.
Detoxing is usually the first step of the rehab process. Detoxing from drugs and alcohol helps to reduce cravings, remove influences, and withdraw the body. The process can be tough, yet can be managed through private inpatient rehab, offering a safe, comfortable, and intimate recovery setting.
Rehabilitation then follows, which helps to heal the mind, unravel any negative habits, and address additional health issues. It’s a step of the rehab process which offers individual, group, and holistic therapy sessions.
12 months of aftercare services, relapse prevention planning and self-help will also be promoted via a drug and alcohol rehab in Haringey. In place to educate, prepare and encourage clients and their loved ones, long-term recovery can be aimed for through private rehab.
To CQC standards, rehab is private, considerate, and effective, providing professional and suitable help, to get better.
Treatments and therapies at Rehab Clinics Group
Following on from withdrawal, rehabilitation is the next milestone to aim for through addiction recovery. Treatment sessions focus on the mind and how the brain currently responds to drug and alcohol exposure.
Experiencing a wide range of therapy sessions and management tools, addiction treatment services help to adapt responses. Responses will begin to devalue drugs and alcohol and the outcomes that consumption produces. Sessions will help our clients understand the damages of substance abuse, whilst developing positive habits and coping strategies, to avoid future exposure.
Sessions are also offered to educate clients, planning is included to improve relapse prevention, and aftercare is also expected. We incorporate holistic therapies, wellbeing services and mental health treatments into our programmes to improve health and lifestyle choices.
Treatments and therapies on offer include:
- PTSD therapy
- Dialectical behavioural therapy
- One-to-one therapy sessions
- Cognitive behavioural therapy
- Family therapy
- Group therapy and support groups
- Exposure therapy
- Motivational interviewing
- Educational sessions
- Mental health treatments for dual diagnosis
- Social activities and tasks
- Relapse prevention planning
- Holistic therapies, such as mindfulness, nutritional therapy, and NAD+ therapy
- Stress management
- 12 months of aftercare in Haringey
How long is rehab?
The length of rehab can fluctuate depending on personal needs and responses. Inpatient rehab averagely takes 4 weeks to complete yet can prolong for some. Via the NHS, the average outpatient programme can take 3-6-months to complete and benefit from, due to high demand and low output.
The longer that rehab can be experienced for, the stronger that recovery rates will be. Staying away from drug and alcohol influences and breaking a habit-like cycle, for as long as possible, will naturally ease long-term recovery. Yet through a pre-admission assessment, a timeline will be offered to help you plan for rehab and select the most proactive option in Haringey.
Cost of rehab
Budgets can be catered to through private rehab, to make sure that it is a feasible option. Yet costs can fluctuate depending on individual needs.
Depending on the type and length of rehab programme that’s experienced, costs are expected to alter treatment centres. Inpatient rehab can cost between £3,000 to £10,000, all depending on location, specialism, and the facilities on offer.
Outpatient treatment is free through the NHS, yet has many downfalls, such as its inconsistency, which can make it a difficult programme to complete.
How to find a rehab in Aston?
Finding and checking into a private drug and alcohol rehab in Haringey will be possible here at Rehab Clinics Group. By reaching out, you can complete a pre-admission assessment, and share your needs, to find the right programme via our group.
Cassiobury Court is our closest rehab clinic, to Haringey, offering an immediate admission into private rehab. Yet depending on your needs and expectations, we also have other rehab facilities to select from.
Contact our team for more information or for support with your admissions process into private rehab.
What are addiction support groups?
Addiction support groups are offered through aftercare, regularly arranged as group therapy sessions. Associated with Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, support groups are attended by likeminded peers, working through life in sobriety. Support groups are beneficial for recovering addicts and their loved ones, by providing a compassionate, understanding, and educational meeting point. Meetings are arranged to help manoeuvre through the newness of sobriety. Challenges can be shared, milestones can be celebrated, and great levels of support can be expected. -
What mental illnesses or disorders can alcohol cause?
Alcoholism is associated with mental illness, due to how it impacts and slows down the brain. Heavy alcohol abuse can change the internal structures of the brain, causing the likes of anxiety, depression, psychosis, and suicidal thoughts. As both addiction and mental illness are co-occurring disorders, treatments must be completed simultaneously. Through private rehab, dual diagnosis treatment can be completed, to alleviate both disorders. -
What are the signs of an internet addiction?
The internet is now a big part of our daily lives. Yet for some, its role is highly addictive, possibly resulting in an internet addiction. For someone who cannot withdraw from internet exposure and/or activity, for someone who’s attached to their devices, for someone who acts compulsively whilst on the internet, and for someone who spends most of their life on the internet, an addiction will likely be the diagnosis. Signs of internet addiction include changes to behaviours, exposure levels and the feelings that the internet produces. Just as damaging as other addictions, treatment and intervention will be necessary.