Treatment Hatfield
Alcohol Rehab Centres In Hatfield

We have treatment centres for alcohol rehab in Hatfield

Signs You Need Rehab Treatment

Humans are one of the most adaptive creatures on the planet. While this is very useful in a lot of ways, the issue is that it means you can adapt to accept almost anything as normal. When you live with drug or alcohol addiction, it becomes your normal, and the harm it does to you and others around you can be easily missed.

You must know if you are struggling with addiction and need treatment in a Hatfield drug and alcohol rehab centre. This is because the long-term effects of addiction can cause you serious harm, including:

  • Homelessness
  • Heart disease
  • Kidney or liver failure
  • Brittle bones
  • Compromised immune system
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Psychosis or schizophrenia
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Loss of teeth
  • Cancer

Wanting to change your life is a good thing. It is never too late to start down a better path that will lead you away from addiction and towards something better. But you don’t have to do this all at once. It is very easy to feel overwhelmed, so take things one step at a time.

To start with, there are a few things that you can be on the lookout for to identify alcohol or drug addiction. These include:

  • Starting and ending your day by abusing drugs or alcohol
  • Putting yourself in danger of accessing more drugs or alcohol
  • Routinely breaking the law because of substance abuse, such as driving under the influence, lying to a doctor to access a prescription or buying a controlled substance.
  • Feeling the need to hide your substance abuse from people that you know you can trust.
  • Noticing a decline in your physical and mental health
  • Prioritising drugs and alcohol over other important things in your life, such as family, friends, work and leisure activities
  • Feeling the need to use drugs or alcohol to numb the bad feelings
  • Feeling numb without any drugs or alcohol
  • Feeling like something isn’t right, you are losing control of your life
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms

Depending on what you are addicted to, for example, alcohol or drugs such as heroin or prescription painkillers, you may experience withdrawal symptoms.

Now while withdrawal symptoms are a definitive sign of an addiction, you must try not to experience them while you are outside of a medical facility. They can very easily cause you serious harm. If you are searching for rehab in Hatfield, call today on 0800 470 0382 


How Long Does Residential Rehab Take?

The best way to safely deal with an addiction is through treatment in a residential drug and alcohol rehab centre in the Hatfield area.

Residential rehab tends to take around 28 days to fully complete. During this time, you will be given all the treatments you need to deal with your mental and physical addiction. Shorter or longer residential stays are also available if required.


The Drug and Alcohol Detox Process

Physical addiction often needs to be taken care of first, which makes it safe for you to continue on without drugs or alcohol.

As part of the detox process, you will experience withdrawal symptoms which can include:

  • Chills
  • Hot flashes
  • Anxiety/depression
  • Insomnia
  • Paranoia
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Seizures

The drug or alcohol detox process carefully allows your body to rid itself of all drugs and alcohol over a ten-day process. During this time, you will be monitored day and night by a medical team to make sure that your withdrawal symptoms are kept to a minimum.

You don’t need to worry about a thing. The medical team will keep you safe and ensure that your withdrawal symptoms don’t progress to the point of danger.

They do this by providing you with medication that can replicate parts of the substance you are addicted to so your brain is tricked into reliving the withdrawal symptoms.

The drug detox is famously the worst part of rehab and can be very uncomfortable. But once it is over, you won’t need to worry about experiencing withdrawal symptoms again. You will be weaned off all drugs and alcohol.

This should also give you some relief from your worst cravings.


Addiction Therapy Treatments

Mental addiction is treated through therapy. But as the human mind is unique and complex for each individual person, no two people will receive the same type of therapy.

Different types of treatment therapy are used to treat different people for different reasons.

First, you have cognitive behavioural therapy. This therapy involves developing and practising coping mechanisms that you can incorporate into your everyday life. You would work with a therapist to identify the triggers for your cravings and work to find solutions for them.

It teaches you to have to manage your own behaviour by changing your thought processes surrounding your triggers.

Group therapy is a commonly known therapy heavily associated with addiction treatments. This is because addiction can be very isolating, and allowing you to work with and be supported by others who really understand you can help ease this isolation.

It also teaches you how to be open about your thoughts and feelings with other people.

Individual therapy or 1-1 therapy would be just you and your therapist focusing entirely on you and your needs. Your experiences and your traumas so that they can come up with a treatment plan that can best help you.

Dual-diagnosis treatment often is the result of individual therapy. It is when an underlying mental health issue, such as undiagnosed depression or anxiety, is identified, and things are put in place to get you an official diagnosis and help for your addiction.

Holistic therapy is more commonly known as art therapy, and it is designed to help you communicate your inner thoughts and feelings through a loss-stress environment.

This has been found to work very well for abuse survivors or those living with mental illness.

Holistic therapy also encourages mindfulness that allows you to centre yourself in the moment as a way to avoid your cravings. This can involve going for walks, painting or anything that allows you to relax and focus your attention elsewhere.


Speak to our Admissions Team Today

If you are ready to start your journey, then we are here to help you. All you need to do is to give us a call at 0800 470 0382.

We can take care of everything from there. Call our admissions team for help for addiction in Hatfield.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the best treatment options for addiction?

    As stated above we believe in a wide-encompassing approach when it comes to addiction treatment. Getting to the source of the emotional and psychological issues that drive a person to addiction is the best way to make sure the destructive patterns aren’t repeated. A combination of medically induced detoxification and various forms of talk therapy are the bedrock for effective addiction treatment.
  • What types of therapy are available?

    At Rehabs Clinic group we take a wide-angled, holistic approach to our treatment. Our types of therapy from talk to group therapy also includes art therapy, Satori Chair Therapy, Low-Level Laser Therapy, Transcranial Electrical Stimulation Therapy and Heart Rate Variability Therapy. We have those and many others, with all the information about them on the Rehab Clinics Group website.
  • How long does rehab last?

    There is no set duration for a rehab programme, but they will typically last between 30 and 90 days. In general terms a longer programme is more likely to be effective but the right choice will depend on your own personal circumstances.