Are you struggling to source a drug and alcohol rehab in Oxfordshire, known for its high success rates? Although there are many rehab centres spread across the United Kingdom, from free to private programmes, for the best possible results, it’s important to invest into a specialised rehab facility.
Although this may seem a costly move initially, in the ideal world, rehab should be a one-off experience. Yet, for many individuals, the vicious circle of addiction, recovery and relapse is a common occurrence; fully backing the demand for high quality care and treatment. Without this investment, you could cost your life in the long-term by battling through years of substance abuse.
With this in mind, here at Rehab Clinics Group, we have a wealth of experience and knowledge of addiction, where we’ve helped a diverse range of clients rehabilitate for the better, through one-off visits. Overcome your drug and alcohol addiction with our carefully designed residential rehab programmes; some close to Oxfordshire, others further afield.
Finding high quality support near Oxfordshire
Depending on your personal preferences, budget, addiction history and recovery goals, there are a number of treatment options available to you. For those who aim to receive free treatment, the NHS offer addiction treatments on an outpatient arrangement, usually completed from a local hospital. Yet, with this treatment option, it is important to remember that treatment can become inconsistent, delaying your recovery.
For those who are living with mild side effects from substance abuse, with the aim to invest slightly into a recovery programme, outpatient treatment can be sourced from a drug and alcohol rehab in Oxfordshire. Here a number of treatment options will be encouraged, with a large focus on support groups and behavioural therapies. However, again, this treatment plan will only suit individuals with minimal habitual behaviours.
If your drug and alcohol addiction is impacting your life negatively, the greatest treatment plan available will include the investment into a residential rehab programme. Here you will receive immediate, consistent addiction treatment and guidance from top specialists, along with access to personalised recovery programmes. Likewise, you will reside in a positive, relaxing environment, boosting your healing properties. Although this requires an investment, it will be worthwhile down to the advanced recovery rates expected.
Here at Rehab Clinics Group, whichever treatment plan fits your needs, we can cater to this. From our Cassiobury Court facility, offering convenience for Oxfordshire locals, to our Step 1 Recovery Spanish estate, offering luxury for clients, we can support you.
How beneficial is consistent addiction treatment?
When spending time selecting a treatment plan to complete, it is important to appreciate the beneficial factors linked to consistent addiction treatment; one of the reasons why residential rehab carries the greatest recovery rates.
When utilising free addiction services, treatments will usually be delayed or inconsistent. In this moment, attempting to recover will be difficult. Imagine experiencing delays while surrounded by your current drug and alcohol influences. Here, complete recovery will be improbable for most. Again, similarly, while completing treatment from a drug and alcohol rehab in Oxfordshire, exposure to recovery will be disjointed. These quiet periods in between treatment sessions can be difficult to work through.
With this in mind, having consistent exposure to addiction treatment, guidance, positivity and wellbeing approaches will continue your recovery, offering a united experience. Residential rehabilitation will create a high-quality recovery experience, providing you with everything you need to tackle your addiction efficiently.
The longer period you leave between your addiction treatments, the longer recovery will take.
How to prepare for residential rehab
If you’re keen to advance recovery, residential rehab will be your best selection. Yet before setting an admissions date, it is important that you’re prepared for what’s to come.
Firstly, opening up to your loved ones regarding your alcohol and drug addiction will be encouraged. While away from home, having a strong support network around you will ease the rehab process. Additionally, there will be opportunity for your family and friends to receive therapy throughout your rehab experience. Therefore, this will also prepare them for what’s to come.
Secondly, ensuring that you’re personally ready to complete rehab is vital. As mentioned above, residential rehab is a worthwhile investment. Therefore, you’ll want to achieve the best possible recovery results for you. Without committing to what’s ahead, achieving high success rates isn’t likely.
Finally, understanding that rehab is a personal journey which can deviate over time is also important. Throughout your stay at either of our rehab facilities, the most effective route will always be promoted. With that said, treatment options or timeframes may differ; however, all for your benefit. The greatest way to prepare yourself is by trusting the process ahead, while valuing the opinion and support of our expert addiction team.
Treatment options available through our facilities
Once you’ve set an admission date and entered your selected facility, addiction treatments will begin. Here you will complete a wide range of social, psychological and medical treatment options, all united to form your own bespoke treatment programme.
As rehab is set to be a worthwhile experience, achieving complete recovery, we believe in offering the most effective combination of addiction treatments to fit the needs of each client. With this aim in mind, selections will differ from person to person, yet will offer the greatest value.
Treatment options commonly experienced by our clients include motivational therapy, group therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, and a drug and alcohol detox, along with further wellbeing sessions.
To further realign your body and mind, while preparing you for a return to Oxfordshire, our team will communicate healthy coping mechanisms to help you overcome any future drug or alcohol temptations.
Our comprehensive approach to rehab will ensure you have the opportunity to heal both internally and externally. For those who’ve lived with an addiction for some time, physical and psychological exhaustion is likely, along with connected mental health issues. Therefore, this is your opportunity to change for the better, leading a positive and healthy future.
Whichever stage of addiction you may currently be experiencing, consider a drug and alcohol rehab in Oxfordshire, or a residential programme set away from home comforts. This challenging step will soon turn positive, helping you heal from addiction.