Treatment Solihull
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres In Solihull

We have treatment centres for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Solihull!

Are you or a friend or family member struggling with addiction? Whether you think you might be addicted to drugs or alcohol, we can help those looking for drug and alcohol rehab in Solihull. The Rehab Clinics Group offers a wide range of treatment options in our clinics, with world-class treatment that combines both traditional and holistic methods to give you the best possible chance of staying off drugs and alcohol for life.


Addiction is on the rise

While people are drinking less and using fewer drugs than ten years ago, rates of addiction have increased, especially among women. This may be because excessive drinking and even taking illegal drugs has become more socially acceptable in society, and people are looking for a way to alleviate stress.

There can be many signs that you’re developing a drug or alcohol addiction. It often starts with people drinking more than the recommended fourteen units a week, often in binges at the weekend, and this problematic drinking continues over time. However, if you suggest to people that they have a problem with substance abuse, they’re likely to laugh or react angrily, as it has become so normalised to do these things.

Denial is a big part of addiction, which is why it can be difficult to get people into addiction treatment, they simply don’t believe that they need help. However, if you can overcome that denial, this is often the first step towards a better life.


Getting help from the Rehab Clinics Group

The Rehab Clinics Group offer private residential rehab with a choice of clinics a short drive from the West Midlands Region, as well as one a short flight away in Spain.

We know the importance of fast, easy access to drug and alcohol rehab in Solihull, so we try to make the admissions process as simple as possible. All you have to do is pick up the phone and speak to our team, who can carry out an initial assessment. If you decide that our treatment programme is right for you, then we can usually get you a bed at one of our clinics within 48 hours. There are different locations to choose from if you have a preference, so you can recover in a Spanish villa, a coastal town, or close to London.

Many people want to know the cost of residential treatment, and while it’s not the cheapest option, it has been shown to be one of the most effective in the long term. The Rehab Clinics Group has a number of options available to suit different budgets and we can offer packages that include all you need for your recovery, making them excellent value for money.


Inpatient vs. outpatient treatment

When you search for drug and alcohol rehab in Solihull, you’ll find search results for all sorts of treatment programmes. These vary from home detoxes to residential care in a rehab centre and many variations in between. So, how do you choose between inpatient and outpatient treatment?

One thing to bear in mind is that if you choose to recover as an outpatient, you’ll usually have to go through a detox with very little support. The detox is the part of the process that many people find difficult, as it can mean dealing with withdrawal symptoms from sickness and nausea to the shakes. When you choose a clinic detox at one of our residential centres, you can opt to take prescription medication that helps you through the worst of this time. You also get 24/7 support through detox as an inpatient.

Outpatient programmes are often much longer in length, as you spend time at a clinic during the day, then stay at home at night. While this works for some patients, those who suffer from substance misuse will tell you how hard it is to stay away from drugs or alcohol while you’re still at home, as you may have friends or family members who threaten your sobriety.

Some people with addictions find that it helps to be away from home while they go through treatment. Our programmes are 28 days in length, so you can get sober quickly and have an excellent chance of staying off drugs and alcohol in the long term. Our UK clinics are inspected by the Care Quality Commission and have a homely environment, so you don’t have to feel anxious about coming to us.


Types of therapy

Our clinics in the United Kingdom and Spain all offer similar types of therapy during your stay. Talking therapy, such as CBT, is a big part of your recovery. It allows you to think about why you started using drugs or alcohol and gives you the tools you need to live life without them. You’ll also have regular group therapy, led by addiction counsellors, where you can share your experiences.

Come to us for drug or alcohol rehab in Solihull and you don’t just go through the basics of therapy. We offer comprehensive treatment programmes that can help your mind and body to heal. From massages to art therapy and yoga, there are always lots of different holistic treatments to try, so you can go home feeling better than ever.

Those who complete 28 days at one of our clinics will get a year of free aftercare, which helps keep them on track. We also offer all sorts of advice and support for when you leave rehab, so you can walk out our doors feeling confident about your future and what’s ahead.

Contact the Rehab Clinics Group today to find out about the range of options available for those seeking drug and alcohol rehab in Solihull. Pick up the phone and call 0800 470 0382 or text HELP to 83222 today.