Treatment in Southall
Alcohol Rehab Centres In Southall

We have Treatment Centres for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Southall

As you search for a drug and alcohol rehab, it is important to remember that irrespective of the substance you find yourself reliant on, there is help readily available to take advantage of.

To assist you as you take the first step in achieving sobriety, we have outlined your rehab and treatment options here.

Ready to refer yourself for treatment? Contact us directly today. In doing so, we can ensure that you are able to commence treatment at one of our rehab centres within a matter of days.


Are you suffering from Alcohol Addiction and need help? If so, Rehab Clinics Group are leading UK based experts in alcohol rehabilitation treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today. Call our confidential helpline on 0800 470 0382 or request a callback by clicking on the button below.

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment

Southall is home to several inpatient, outpatient and NHS rehabs, all of which provide effective treatments to help individuals defeat their struggles with substances including cannabis, cocaine and alcohol.

Although each of the different rehab options are advocated, it is important to understand what each option can offer you. Considering this, we have outlined what can be expected from rehab below.


Inpatient Rehabilitation

Typically administered by private rehab providers, inpatient rehab, or residential rehab as it is otherwise known, offers those in recovery the opportunity to complete addiction treatment away from any distractions that could hinder their recovery.

Usually completed within 28-days, inpatient rehab is somewhat intense. Inpatient rehab is also structured and requires complete dedication.

Able to take advantage of around the clock care and medical support, those who complete treatment at an inpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Southall go on to make a long-term recovery.


Inpatient Treatment Options

Many benefits come hand-in-hand with attending inpatient rehab. As mentioned above, attending an inpatient rehab ensures that care and support can be obtained around the clock.

However, one of the most noteworthy benefits of inpatient rehab is the range of treatment options available. Although the treatment you require will depend on the severity of your addiction and the impact your addiction has had on your life, you may well encounter the following treatment options upon attending an inpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Southall.

  • A medically induced detoxification
  • Rehabilitation
  • Psychological therapy
  • Well-being therapy
  • Relapse prevention
  • Aftercare

Each of these treatments plays a vital role in addiction recovery. Detoxification, for example, will help you overcome the physical impact of your addiction. Meanwhile, rehabilitation, psychological therapy and well-being therapy will assist you as you attempt to understand the cause of your addiction and determine how you can overcome any triggers that may otherwise harm your recovery.

Additionally, many inpatient drug and alcohol rehabs in Southall can offer dual diagnosis treatment. This particular treatment is administered when a mental health disorder and addiction co-occur.


Outpatient Rehabilitation

Offered by the NHS and private clinics, outpatient rehab is favoured by many due to flexible treatment options and low costs.

Typically recommended to those with mild substance addictions, outpatient rehabs enable individuals to continue going about their day-to-day lives as they complete treatment.

While outpatient rehab is recommended, it is important to understand that outpatient rehab will not safeguard you from external influences and factors that could cause you to relapse. For this very reason, outpatient recovery rates are often lower than inpatient recovery rates.

Though both inpatient and outpatient rehab successfully helps many overcome their addiction, here at Rehab Clinics Group, we typically refer those who contact us for treatment to an inpatient rehab.


Our Rehab Centres

At Rehab Clinics Group, our inpatient treatment centres include Cassiobury Court, Ocean Recovery, Asana Lodge and Nova Recovery. Combining industry-leading treatments with state-of-the-art facilities, our rehab centres offer the very best in addiction treatment.

If you are open to the thought of completing addiction treatment away from your hometown of Southall, our rehab centres can cater to your addiction and recovery needs.

In addition to providing personalised addiction treatment programmes, many of our rehabs offer treatments for mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, stress and PTSD.


Get in Touch

Whether you would like our help locating a drug and alcohol rehab in Southall or wish to learn more about our rehab centres and the treatment we can offer you, we welcome you to contact us today.

In doing so, we can provide you with a wealth of information and answer any questions you may have. We can also initiate our referral process, enabling you to commence treatment at one of our centres within a short time frame.

When you are ready to do so, call us on 0800 470 0382. Alternatively, you can email, and a member of our admissions team will phone you as soon as possible.

  • How can I achieve a long-term sobriety?

    Addressing your addiction as early as possible, attending a drug and alcohol rehab in Southall and completing aftercare treatment will help you achieve a long-term sobriety. Overcoming any co-existing disorders, such as an addiction and mental health disorder, will also give you the best possible chance of achieving a long-term sobriety.
  • How can I help a family member with Addiction?

    Realising that a family member is struggling with an addiction can be somewhat distressing. Although you may believe that you can help them alone, we recommend referring them to one of our rehab centres. Doing so will ensure that they are aware of the help that is available for them to take advantage of, and it will enable them to secure professional treatment.
  • What are the types of Therapy available?

    Here at Rehab Clinics Group, our rehab centres offer a wide range of therapies that are effective in minimising the effects of addictions and mental health disorders. These therapies include, but are limited to, the following:
    • Cognitive behavioural therapy
    • Dialectical behavioural therapy
    • Satori therapy
    • NAD+ therapy
    • Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Biofeedback therapy
    • Low-level laser therapy
    • Family therapy
    • NLP therapy
    • Well-being therapy
    We also offer bereavement, trauma and abuse counselling, PTSD counselling and stress management.