We have treatment centres for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Wembley!
Preparing Yourself for Private Rehab
Your drug and alcohol treatment begins before you set foot inside one of our rehab clinics. Once you’ve committed yourself to getting professional help for substance misuse, it’s time to psychologically and physically prepare yourself for this vigorous journey. There are many areas of your life that you’ll need to address to ensure that you can return back to a healthy and normal routine after your smart recovery.
First, you should take care of your work and mention to your employer or clients about how you need to take some time away from your career to improve your physical and mental health. This might be an intimidating situation and one that you’ll want to avoid, but the longer you put it off, the harder it’ll become. Anyone who appreciates you as an individual or employee will want you to get better, but you should address this topic without any expectations. But, according to the Family and Medical Leave Act, everyone is entitled to 12 weeks of leave from a job during your stay in rehab.
During your time in rehab, you’ll need to be fully committed to recovering which means that you can’t be worrying about financial issues back home. Prioritise any bills you need to pay before going into rehab because you certainly don’t want to return to home with financial stresses. Ensure that you sign up for automatic payments or speak with a trusted person about handling your finances while you’re away. Alternatively, speak with a financial advisor if you’re having difficulties organising a payment plan before seeking long term recovery.
Finally, only take the bare essentials with you to rehab, because anything else is unnecessary and will just clog up space and your thinking. You don’t need any outside distractions that could be detrimental to your recovery.
Signs That You Need Professional Help
There are many indications that you need to seek professional help for your drug use, and these signs shouldn’t be ignored. More young people are participating in drug use than ever before, and we want to help put a stop to the rising figures. Let’s take a look at some of the warning signs that you should never ignore.
- 1. Your Friends and Family Are Concerned
If your loved ones have approached you to address their concerns of your substance abuse and physical and mental wellbeing, you shouldn’t ignore them. The people who love you don’t want to see you throw your life away and will speak with you about their concerns because they truly care, not because they are telling you how to live your life.
When drugs begin to impact relationships, it’s a clear indication that you need professional help.
- 2. You Encounter Withdrawal Symptoms
If you regularly find that you experience withdrawal symptoms if you don’t get high or drunk for a while, this is your body’s way of saying that it’s craving the substance. Drug addictions are serious because the brain gets used to having this chemical and needs it more regularly and in higher doses the more you take it.
You might have tried going ‘cold turkey’ or for whatever reason, haven’t been taking your regular dose of your substance. If so, you might experience irritability, dizziness, insomnia, paranoia, cramps, headaches or nausea. Sometimes, these withdrawal symptoms can be so intense that you physically need to consume the drugs again to function properly. But, you don’t have to live like this forever, because a dedicated detox programme can help to alleviate these withdrawal symptoms in conjunction with personal treatment to help you become a healthier version of yourself.
- 3. You Have Attempted to Quit but Failed
There might have been a point in your substance use that you decided enough is enough. But, cutting down or suddenly stopping completely can be a huge shock to the system. Perhaps you’ve done everything you can to beat your addiction, but your substance abuse gets the best of you every time.
If you’ve attempted to quit but then ended up using again, this is a warning sign that your body cannot cope without the substance. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s the end and there’s no help in sight. It just means that you’ll require a higher level of treatment to help you get clean.
Sometimes, people don’t realise that addicts want to stop using, but it’s so difficult to stop, that their addiction gets the best of them. Never butcher someone’s confidence because they haven’t succeeded the first time. Beating an addiction is one of the hardest things you can ever do.
Signing Up for Rehab
There’s no better time like the present to focus on improving your health. But, we appreciate that it’s natural to feel scared and nervous. If you’re based in the city of London and looking for a high-quality rehab clinic, we can help to transform your life.
Our Admissions team will talk you through the array of treatments we offer everyone, and a member from our team will find the exact course that’s right for you. It’s important that you’re as open as possible about your drug use so that we can find the perfect combination of treatment for you. Our specialist team will also help you to choose the best rehab clinic based on your location. We have a range of affordable treatment programmes to suit everyone’s budget, and we’ll help you to find the right one. Our Admissions team are also on-hand to help you stay motivated throughout your recovery journey so that you’ll never be in doubt or feel alone.
Are you looking for an alcoholics anonymous group you can trust? Give us a call today on 03301 595 494 to discuss your options and begin transforming your life.