Acute Stress Treatment

Acute stress, or acute stress disorder as it is otherwise known, is one of the most common types of stress experienced on a day-to-day basis.  It is believed that up to one in six people will experience acute stress at some point in their life.

However, unlike chronic stress, burnout and post-traumatic stress disorder, acute stress is temporary and often alleviates within one month of symptoms first arising.

While acute stress is temporary and is classed as one of the least dangerous forms of stress, it should be noted that without treatment, acute stress has seen over 80% of people suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder later in life.  With this in mind, it is vital that acute stress treatment is sought.


Acute Stress Treatment

Acute stress treatment essentially prevents an individual from encountering post-traumatic stress disorder, which, unlike acute stress, can be life-threatening.

While the acute stress treatment an individual obtains will depend on various factors such as their age, the severity of their acute stress disorder and the side effects they experience, the most common forms of acute stress treatment include cognitive behavioural therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy, stress management, bereavement, trauma and abuse counselling and stress management.

Medication can also be provided if acute stress becomes unbearable.  In the instance that medication is required, antidepressants will likely be prescribed.

It should be noted that the side effects of acute stress arise relatively quickly.  With this in mind, acute stress treatment should not be delayed.

Delaying treatment for acute stress could see an individual more prone to other mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety and, as touched on above, post-traumatic stress disorder.

In some instances, when acute stress treatment is not sought, substance abuse and addictions also often arise.


Contact Rehab Clinics Group Today

Although we hope that the information provided above will have answered any questions you may have surrounding acute stress and acute stress treatment, please feel free to contact our admissions team today if any of your questions remain unanswered.

In doing so, our admissions team can provide you with the information that you may be searching for and help you secure appropriate treatment.

Likewise, if you would like to refer a loved one for treatment at one of our centres in the United Kingdom or Spain, we welcome you to call us.




Our Frequently Asked Questions

At Rehab Clinics Group, we often find that individuals struggling with acute stress do not take advantage of the acute stress treatment available to them.

This is often due to a lack of understanding regarding acute stress and the treatment that rehab clinics, such as our own, provide.

With this in mind, we have delved into our most frequently asked questions below to help you gain a more comprehensive understanding of what acute stress is.

  • What Causes Acute Stress?

    Acute stress typically arises from a traumatic event such as a car accident, the death of a loved one, abuse, and even natural disasters that an individual cannot control. As touched on above, when acute stress treatment is not sought, post-traumatic stress disorder can begin to impair an individual’s life as they cannot navigate and come to terms with the trauma that they have sadly experienced.
  • Who Is More Likely To Suffer From Acute Stress?

    Acute stress can impair an individual’s life, regardless of their age or gender.  This means that anyone that experiences a traumatic event is at risk of developing acute stress.
  • What Are The Side Effects Of Acute Stress?

    Just as other mental health disorders have various side effects, acute stress does too. The side effects experienced will entirely depend on the individual, the trauma experienced, the individual’s age, and the state of the individual’s mental health before the event that has caused them to experience acute stress. Below, we have outlined a number of the most common side effects associated with acute stress.
    • - Flashbacks
    • - Nightmares
    • - Pessimistic thoughts and feelings
    • - Paranoia
    • - Insomnia
    • - Irritability
    • - Mood swings
    • - Trouble concentrating
    • - Isolation from others
    In addition to the above, if an individual experiences acute stress, they will likely avoid anything that will remind them of the trauma they have either witnessed or experienced.  For example, if an individual suffers from acute stress due to a car crash, they may avoid travelling in a car.  They will also likely avoid driving past the scene of the accident. While acute stress alleviates within a short time frame, if acute stress treatment is not sought, the individual suffering will find it challenging to deal with and overcome the side effects they experience.  As a result, as touched on above, they are more likely to become subject to post-traumatic stress disorder, which requires more intense treatment.
  • What Acute Stress Treatment Is Provided By Rehab Clinics Group?

    At Rehab Clinics Group, we can provide acute stress treatment to those in need, regardless of the event or trauma that has caused acute stress to arise. The treatment provided for acute stress will entirely depend on the facility that an individual seeks treatment from.  However, each of our residential rehabs in the United Kingdom and Spain can provide extensive treatment that has been recognised to be industry-leading. Asana Lodge, for example, provides a number of holistic treatments such as Satori Chair Therapy and well-being therapy for acute stress.  These therapies encourage individuals to reflect on the incident that has caused them to experience acute stress and develop coping strategies that can help them overcome any triggers that could cause post-traumatic stress disorder to arise. In contrast, Cassiobury Court and Ocean Recovery specialise in providing psychological treatment programmes that help individuals combat acute stress through the employment of cognitive behavioural therapy and stress management. These particular therapies encourage individuals to discuss the events that have caused them to experience acute stress.  While this can often be difficult, discussing the trauma will ensure that the individual in question is able to manage the side effects that arise.