What Drugs Cause Foaming at the Mouth?

What Drugs Cause Foaming at the Mouth?

Drug abuse can cause foaming at the mouth in certain cases if somebody experiences a seizure or drug overdose. Knowing the types of drugs that can cause this reaction is important for keeping yourself or a loved one safe.

Drug addiction is a worldwide issue affecting millions of people. The consequences of drug abuse are plentiful and drug overdose and death are more common than you may think. Substance abuse can be defined as the excessive use of a legal or illegal substance where over time the substance is overused and therefore can make the user immune from its effects. This is when the cravings for more begin and develop into an addiction.

Addiction alters your mental perceptions, as well as your physical and mental health. These issues may prevent the user from stopping and therefore quitting the drug altogether. Some drugs may cause medical emergencies and dangerous side effects, such as foaming at the mouth.


What Drug Causes Foaming at the Mouth?

Foaming at the mouth from drugs is often caused by respiratory distress. When our breathing slows, the system becomes sluggish, leading to fluid buildup in the respiratory tract and mixed with oxygen and saliva, which often causes foaming around the mouth. Foam around the mouth may also be tinged with blood, if the person has had a seizure and bitten their tongue, for example. This is often seen during an emergency of overdose, usually from opioids. The most common drugs that can cause foaming at the mouth are:

  • Methamphetamine
  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamines
  • Heroin
  • Fentanyl

Foaming at the mouth is often caused by mixing narcotics, drug side effects or as a direct result of overdose. It is a medical emergency in many cases and should be treated as such.


What to Do If Someone Is Foaming at the Mouth

If you find someone who has consumed too many drugs and is found foaming at the mouth (and unconscious) then there are some ways to ensure that you help them correctly. The main reactions that causes foaming at the mouth from drugs include opioid overdose, seizures and drug poisoning. It is important that you seek out professional medical help via emergency services to ensure that they can be treated properly. However, you should also ensure proper positioning.

You should gently roll the person onto their side and into the recovery position and make sure their airways are clear. You should stay with them and try to ensure that there is no foam and saliva blocking their airways. Any gurgling and choking noises or alterations in breathing could suggest this. This can suggest that the person may imminently stop breathing, therefore it’s important to get them into the recovery position. This will stop them from rolling back over. Any other symptoms associated with overdose can be daunting, but it is important to know the signs.

Drugs that cause foaming at the mouth may also be accompanied by:

  • Seizures
  • Cold or clammy skin
  • Fingers or fingernails turn purple
  • Vomiting (in addition to foaming)
  • Limp body
  • Unresponsive to sounds

Remaining calm is the best way to deal effectively with the situation. Reassuring that someone is there and that professional assistance is on the way is helpful. Ensure that you do not put anything into their mouth.


Other Dangerous Side Effects of Drug Abuse

There are numerous dangerous side effects of drug abuse that may be more subtle, but equally as damaging. A lot of addictive substances play a role in affecting the body, such as organs and general wellbeing. Oftentimes drugs are stimulants which means that they can alter your heart rate and blood pressure, and for people with pre-existing conditions, it can exacerbate symptoms. Drug use can lead to heart attacks, infections, or cardiovascular disease. Aside from physical disease, there are numerous mental health conditions that can be caused by drug use such as depression and anxiety.

Drugs often alter your mindset, which can mean that they can contribute towards new disorders such as PTSD, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Drug addiction is often precipitated and perpetuates mental health issues, therefore appropriate treatment as early as possible is key. There may be some symptoms associated with drug abuse and should be closely monitored:

  • Changes in behaviour and changes in home/work/social life
  • Mood swings, irritability and inability to remain calm
  • Lack of motivation
  • Withdrawal from work or social life
  • Changing in eating and sleeping habits
  • Using excuses for their behaviour and substance addiction
  • Borrowing money or even stealing
  • Erratic behaviour and volatile emotions
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Insomnia
  • Neglect – personal hygiene/work/family life
  • Sudden weight loss or gain
  • Hyperactivity and impulsivity
  • Shaking/trembling

Substance dependence can tear the individual and their family/friends apart. It is a life choice that can create a string of issues and can be damaging and potentially life-threatening, and the impact that addiction can have on families is devastating. The individual may feel that there is no hope and that people are against them. It is important that if you know someone going through addiction and you’re concerned about their mental and physical health, you should gently and kindly reach out to them.


Find Support For Drug Addiction Today

The dangers of drug abuse can be life-threatening and cause multiple symptoms. Foaming of the mouth from drugs is just one of the many traumatic things that can happen to someone who is abusing drugs. In addition to various medical issues, including seizures, infections and cardiovascular issues, addiction should be strictly addressed. If you know someone who is suffering from addiction and want to help, you should ensure that you do the following:

  • Reach out to the person, calmly and rationally, explaining that you want to help
  • Give them the correct information about addiction recovery and potential pathways
  • Encourage them to quit and to help them understand the reasoning behind addiction

Rehab Clinics Group are dedicated to helping you find a suitable place to recover. Professional medical drug rehabilitation is the best means of recovery and has proven results. Not only does it include the mental rehabilitation needed to treat addiction, but medical drug detox is also provided to treat physical health. If you would like to reach out for impartial advice or to hear about our programmes, we are available round the clock to assist. We do not want anyone to suffer in silence.

For more information, please reach out to us today on: 0800 470 0382 or Text HELP To 83222.