Painkiller Addiction Rehab Treatment

Prescription painkillers and those available over-the-counter can provide immediate and short-term pain relief. They work by blocking the pain receptors in the brain, giving a sense of relaxation and euphoria. However painkiller addiction can occur over time and may require painkiller addiction rehab treatment to overcome.

Here, we reveal the signs and symptoms of painkiller addiction and explain what you should do if you’re worried about your own painkiller use or someone you care about. Learn more about painkiller rehab here.


Painkiller Addiction Symptoms

Like any other addiction, it can present itself in several signs and symptoms. Just because someone doesn’t have all the signs doesn’t mean they wouldn’t benefit from help. Moreover, if something has led you to be on this page, it’s important to consider why. Some of the most common signs of painkiller addiction include:

  • Continuing to use painkillers even though the pain has gone
  • Lying or going to extreme lengths to obtain painkillers
  • Hiding bottles and packaging
  • Wanting to stop taking painkillers but struggling with cravings, side effects and withdrawal symptoms
  • Taking painkillers at a higher dose than required
  • Needing painkillers or a higher dose to function or feel the desired effect
  • Taking painkillers even though it’s harming your health, relationships, finances and career

Painkiller addiction can also cause a number of physical and mental health conditions. This includes slurred speech, anxiety, depression, paranoia, sleeping issues, hallucinations, mood swings and irritability. If someone has a painkiller addiction, it’s likely that they will experience withdrawal symptoms if they try to stop taking the drugs. This can include stomach cramps, vomiting, muscle and bone pain, and flu-like symptoms.



Are you suffering from Painkiller Addiction and need help? If so, Rehab Clinics Group are a leading UK based experts in drug rehabilitation treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today. You can either call our confidential helpline on 0800 470 0382 or request a callback by clicking on the below form.

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The Dangers of Painkiller Addiction

One of the biggest dangers of painkiller addiction is the potential for severe addiction and overdose to occur. Some people believe that you can’t get addicted to something that’s so readily available or prescribed by a doctor. This belief and a lack of knowledge surrounding the addictive nature of painkillers leads people to self-medicate. When they do, they’re at risk of building up a tolerance and dependence on painkillers, and the vicious cycle of addiction begins.

Long-term painkiller use and addiction can also result in organ damage, fits, and seizures. High doses of painkillers can depress the respiratory system, causing breathing to slow, the heart rate to drop, and the blood pressure to fall. In severe cases, this can result in someone being unable to breathe.

Even before these serious conditions occur, painkiller addiction, like any drug addiction, can take its toll on your lifestyle. Addiction can impact relationships, careers, finances, and even family life, which is another reason why it’s important to consider painkiller rehab treatment.


Rehab Treatment for Painkiller Addiction

Painkiller addiction is a serious medical condition that requires professional support at an addiction recovery treatment centre. This is because, to treat the addiction effectively, both the physical and emotional dependencies must be treated, and behaviour and mindset need to change.

At Rehab Clinics Group, we have leading centres all around the UK – many of which focus on rehab treatment for painkiller addiction. While each programme is tailored to the individual, we use a combination of behavioural therapy, counselling, creative sessions and talking therapy in group and individual settings. This will help you to come to terms with your painkiller addiction and abuse, recognise the triggers and identify any unhealthy behaviours.

A key part of your painkiller rehab programme is the painkiller drug detox. This is the process of painkillers leaving your system and is essential before starting any therapy or treatment. You may experience side effects and withdrawal symptoms if you try to stop painkillers yourself during home detox. These can be very challenging and even dangerous to manage, which is why it’s important that a medical professional is involved.

With a medically-assisted detox, not only will you be supported and guided, but doctors and nurses can prescribe medication to help treat any symptoms. This is one of the biggest benefits of attending rehab and is an essential step if you want to recover long-term.

Another key part of your recovery will be focused on your time outside of the clinic. It’s normal to feel anxious but just know that you will be prepared. Specialist teams will provide you with aftercare and relapse prevention advice, and you’ll also be given the tools and resources to stay strong and resilient.

Our phone line is always open, and you’ll be automatically assigned to a specialist aftercare group in the community for the first 12 months. This will allow you to catch up with friends you’ve met at the clinic and give you the necessary support from our recovery team. Call today on 0800 470 0382 to learn more.


Get Help Today

Whether you’re going through addiction yourself or are tired of watching a family member, friend, or colleague struggle, Rehab Clinics Group is here for you. You don’t need to take action today; just know that we’re here for you when you’re ready – to answer any questions, outline the treatment options and what to expect, or even kickstart the admissions process to painkiller rehab treatment.

We know how isolating and scary addiction can be for everyone involved, so our team won’t judge or pressure you into a rehab centre. Instead, we are here to guide and support you and give you the tools and opportunities to walk away from painkiller addiction if that’s what you wish.

Simply call today on 0800 470 0382 or fill out our contact form, and we can start to imagine what your life could be like – away from addiction – once and for all.