Mental Health Treatments & Rehab

In the United Kingdom, research determines that one in four people are subject to mental health disorders every single year.

If you are struggling with a mental health disorder, or know someone who is, mental health rehab treatment can provide a wealth of support.  It can also help mitigate the overall impact that a mental health disorder has on your life.

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At Rehab Clinics Group, our recovery centres can provide the mental health rehab treatment you require.

Regardless of your location, we are on hand to help alleviate the pessimistic thoughts and feelings that your mental health disorder sadly sees you struggling with every single day.

With a more significant number of individual’s confirming that they are struggling with a mental health disorder, seeking mental health rehab treatment is paramount.



Rehab Clinics Group are leading UK based experts in Mental Health treatment. Find out how we can help you get your life on track by getting in touch with our friendly team today. You can either call our confidential helpline on 0800 470 0382 or request a call back by clicking on the below form.

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What Are Mental Health Disorders?

Mental health disorders are psychological illnesses that cripple the lives of millions of people across the country.

The World Health Organisation states that mental health disorders often have various presentations and are generally characterised by abnormal thoughts and warped perceptions.

In addition, mental health disorders dictate the emotions that an individual feels, ascertain how an individual behaves and influence the thoughts that individuals encounter daily.


Who Is More Likely To Become Subject To A Mental Health Disorder?

Contrary to believe, individuals from all walks of life are at risk of becoming subject to a mental health disorder.

The Mental Health Foundation states that one in five women will suffer from a mental health disorder at some point in their lives. Adding to this, one in eight men will suffer from a mental health disorder.

Children and adolescents are also at risk of suffering from a mental health disorder.

Regrettably, one in ten children and adolescents are currently living with a mental health disorder.

Mental Health Disorders That Our Rehabs Provide Treatment For

At Rehab Clinics Group, we own several residential treatment centres across the United Kingdom and Spain that provide mental health rehab treatment to those in need.

The mental health rehab treatment that our centres provide ensures that anxiety disorders, mood disorders, eating disorders, personality disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders and psychotic disorders can all be treated and mitigated.

Below, we have outlined the treatment that our centres, including Cassiobury Court, Ocean Recovery and Asana Lodge can treat.


Mental Health Rehab Treatment

If you, or a loved one, are currently struggling with any of the mental health disorders noted above, mental health rehab treatment is highly advised.

Not only can mental health rehab treatment help you to free yourself from your mental health disorder, but it will encourage you to evaluate what has caused your mental health disorder to arise.

In doing so, you will have the ability to devise various coping mechanisms that will support you in the near and far future.

The thought of sourcing and obtaining mental health rehab treatment can be daunting.

However, we are here to ensure that you feel at ease, every step of the way. From our admissions team to the medical professionals working at our centres, you will be surrounded by support and guidance from the minute you contact us.

The severity of your mental health disorder and the way in which it has so far impacted your life will determine the treatment that you are provided with. With this in mind, we will conduct a pre-admission assessment to evaluate your current physical and psychological state.

Our pre-admission assessments are typically conducted over the telephone by a member of our admissions team. You will be asked various questions about your mental health disorder and how it has affected you.

Although discussing your mental health disorder may be somewhat difficult, we would encourage you to be honest with us. The answers and information you provide will determine the treatment that is provided.

With an understanding of your mental health disorder, we will refer you to one of our centres for treatment.

As you commence your mental health rehab treatment, an additional admission assessment will be conducted by medical professionals. This will ensure that you are fit for treatment and will further guarantee that you understand the treatment that you will be provided with.



Call our confidential helpline on 0800 470 0382 or request a call back by clicking on the below form.

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As touched on above, the treatment you receive will depend on the severity of your mental health disorder, and the disorder that you have.

Typically, our centres will employ a wealth of psychological and well-being therapies to ensure that you can overcome your disorder. These therapies include, but are not limited to, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and art therapy.

As you progress through your mental health rehab treatment, self-help will also be promoted. Our self-help support will see you take part in regular exercise and mindfulness sessions. You will also be provided with nutritious meal plans.

Combined with our psychological and well-being therapies, our self-help support will ensure that you make a long term recovery and can free yourself from the mental health disorder that you currently face.

Contact Us Today To Obtain Mental Health Rehab Treatment

Addressing and overcoming a mental health disorder is not easy. However, with the mental health rehab treatment that we can provide you with, we have every reason to believe that you will be able to look forward to a future free from the worries, thoughts and behaviours that your mental health disorder imposes.

If you are ready to seek mental health rehab treatment, why not give us a call today to determine how we can support you?

Likewise, if a family member or friend is struggling with a mental health disorder, why not reach out to us to determine what you can do to help them?

We welcome you to call us on 0800 470 0382. Alternatively, you can contact us via our contact us page.

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