Can You Be Fired For Going To Rehab?

Laura Smart - Author for Rehab Clinics Group

Laura Smart - Last Updated: May 30, 2023

Last reviewed: September 21, 2022 by Dr Alexander Lapa. All information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

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Can you be fired for going to rehab? The answer is a little bit complicated. It depends on the circumstances of your case and whether or not any government laws protect you. Let’s take a closer look at what you need to know about being fired for going to rehab.

Can You Be Fired For Going To Rehab?

Accepting you have an alcohol or drug addiction and entering treatment are massive steps. You’ve realised that you need a drastic change to turn your life around. Not everyone can do this and are too scared or ashamed to face the truth.

Another big obstacle to people getting the help they need is their working life. Many people with addictions manage to hold down their jobs and believe this can continue indefinitely. This job though is often a barrier to getting alcohol rehabilitation treatment as people don’t think they can take off the time needed or think their employer will treat them differently.

Addiction affects every aspect of your life and will eventually cause your work performance to suffer, resulting in your dismissal. This is a very real consequence of addiction and it is best to seek help before this happens.


Signs That Addiction is Affecting You in the Workplace

Before your alcohol addiction causes you to lose your job, there are things to look out for to see if addiction is affecting you at work.

If you are increasingly absent from work and have paid sick days then this is a sign that addiction is getting the better of you. Combining this with poor performance whilst you are at work – decreased efficiency and struggling to focus on tasks – are also clear signs that you need professional help.

It’s not only your performance that will suffer but your mood as well. Bringing behaviour issues and wild mood swings to the office will affect everyone negatively.

All this combined may give your employer just cause to sack you before you can get treatment.


Will I Lose My Job if I Go to Rehab?

When considering going to alcohol or drug rehab, your priority should be your health and well-being. If your addiction is allowed to continue it will worsen and you will be more likely to lose your job, regardless of well you are coping currently.

That being said, the worry about possibly losing your job due to going to rehab is something to consider.

Some companies don’t have to have a drug or alcohol policy so they may not have practices in place to deal with addiction issues. If the addiction is bad enough to affect your work performance, they could use that excuse to sack you anyway.

However, employment protection laws require that addiction and dependence are treated as a sickness, which allows you the time to overcome the problem. For this to take place you can get signed off by a doctor and have the time to get treatment.

What is important to remember is that employers have a duty of care to employees. If you have good communication and act early then there is a greater chance of a positive outcome for both you and your employer.


UK Protection Laws

There are several laws in the UK that protect workers’ and employers’ rights which are relevant to addiction issues in the workplace.

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

This relates to the responsibilities of the employer. The law states “it is the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his employees.” If your employer is aware of your addiction and lets it continue then they can be liable too. It is in their interest to help you recover.

Employment Act 1996

This act covers areas including unfair dismissal. You cannot be sacked due to having an addiction, as it is considered an illness. Employers are obligated to take action to prevent harm to employees and customers and avoid disruption of work.

The Road Traffic and the Transport and Works Acts

These laws relate to operating a car whilst under the influence or working with transport systems – rail, bus, trams etc – whilst under the influence. Not only you can be charged but if your employer was aware of your addiction then they can be liable to prosecution as well.


Can I Go to Rehab if I Have a Job?

The short answer is yes. It is unlikely you have enough holiday accrued to get the 28 days minimum needed off to undergo residential addiction treatment. This shouldn’t stop you though. Most people get themselves signed off sick by their GP.

If you wish to have your addiction kept secret from your employer then there is a chance you will get signed off for anxiety or depression instead. These mental health issues often go hand in hand with addiction and need to be dealt with alongside your substance abuse issues.

If you are worried about this then the staff at Rehab Clinics Group can help you through this process, offering advice on how to approach the situation. We can also help you develop a back to work plan and liaise with your employer if you feel you need necessary support upon re-entering the workplace.

If residential treatment is not right for you, other treatment options can work around your career more easily.


Inpatient and Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient rehab is when you attend addiction treatment at a facility but do not stay there for the duration. This path through recovery is more flexible and allows you to maintain your job and honour other life commitments.

This option is cheaper and possibly available for free via the NHS. Outpatient rehab carries a lower success rate however and you won’t get access to a full range of treatments. It is better suited for those with a mild addiction that may only need to undergo detoxification at a clinic.

Inpatient rehab provides a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment. You would move into a facility and take part in an intense treatment programme. Rehab Clinics Group believes in this method of treatment and we provide our clients with bespoke treatment programmes in luxury settings.

With us, you have access to a wide range of therapies and treatments, whilst being cared for and supported by our dedicated staff. Like Rehab Clinics Group, most inpatient rehabs provide some form of aftercare to guide you after you have finished treatment.

Inpatient rehab is more expensive but brings with it a better success rate and the best chance of achieving long-term recovery.


Contact Us Now

You must consider everything before taking the step to professional rehabilitation, but don’t let your job stop you from getting the help you need. Good employers will see the benefits of helping you and there are many frameworks in place to support you outside of work.

If you are ready to get help and have access to our industry-leading treatments, get in touch with Rehab Clinics Group today by calling 0800 470 0382 or text HELP to 83222.

Laura Smart - Author - Last updated: May 30, 2023

Laura is a qualified counsellor and behavioural therapist specialising in CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), REBT (Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy), ACT (Acceptance & Commitment Therapy), ICT (Inner Child Therapy), MI (Motivational Interviewing), Hypnosis and Mindfulness practice. She has experience working with individuals suffering from conditions such as problem behaviours, internet and social media addictions, depression, anxiety, anger management and trauma.

Dr Alexander Lapa - Psychiatrist & Clinical Reviewer for Rehab Clinics Group

Dr Alexander Lapa - Clinical Reviewer - Last reviewed: September 21, 2022

MBBS, PG Dip Clin Ed, OA Dip CBT, OA Dip Psychology, SCOPE Certified

Dr Lapa graduated in Medicine in 2000 and since this time has accrued much experience working in the widest range of psychiatric settings with differing illness presentations and backgrounds in inpatient, community and secure settings. This has been aligned to continuation of professional development at postgraduate level in clinical research which has been very closely related to the everyday clinical practice conducted by this practitioner as a NHS and Private Psychiatrist.
He is fully indemnified by the Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland (MDDUS) and MIAB Expert Insurance for Psychiatric and Private Medical practice. He is fully registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) in the UK with a licence to practice.

Dr Lapa is approved under Section 12(2) of the Mental Health Act (1983)

Member of Independent Doctors Federation (IDF), British Association for Psychopharmacology (BMA) and The Association for the Study of Obesity (ASO)

Dr Lapa’s extensive experience has also concentrated on the following areas of clinical practice:
– Assessment, Diagnosis and Pharmacological Treatment for Adults with ADHD.
– Drug and Alcohol Dependency and maintaining abstinence and continued recovery
– Intravenous and Intramuscular Vitamin and Mineral Infusion Therapy
– Dietary and Weight Management and thorough care from assessment to treatment to end goals and maintenance
– Aesthetic Practice and Procedures