When you are thinking of going to rehab, a first question that may pop into your mind may be ‘where do I go’? Should you travel far away to attend rehab? Or should you try a centre that is closer to home and more local? It is always important to consider where you feel your needs will be better served. To help you make a decision that is best for you, here’s a breakdown of some of the advantages and disadvantages of both options.
Attending Local Rehab Centre
The main benefit of attending a local rehab centre is that you will be close to your relatives and loved ones who can offer emotional support, while avoiding lengthy car or rail journeys in order to reach your designated centre. It is worth remembering that when you are suffering from an alcohol addiction, travelling by car, coach or rail can prove wearing and challenging. Consider whether you are able to travel long distances to attend the rehab clinic of your choice.
An additional advantage of local rehab centres is that attending aftercare sessions becomes much easier, without long distances involved. Many rehab centres offer aftercare as part of your treatment programme. If these aftercare sessions are too far away from your home and you cannot travel the long distance to get to them, you may not be able to attend them.
At Rehab Clinics Group, we understand that some people can be disadvantaged and limited in their rehab options, especially if they can only attend a local rehab centre because of its close and convenient location. It is however important to consider whether the local rehab centres on offer to you provide the treatment and care you require. They should also have a positive report from the Care Quality Commission (CQC). If you solely decide on a rehab because it is close by, it is likely that the rehab in question will not be suitable for your needs.
Finally, by selecting a rehab clinic that is close to where you live, you may be tempted by negative influences associated with your addiction, such as drug dealers or shops and pubs where you can purchase alcohol. In some cases, your loved ones or friends may be encouraging or fuelling your addiction, in which case it would be a positive step to create some distance between you while you try and recover.
By creating distance between your normal living environment and your place of rehab, your rehab facility becomes a complete change from the norm, encouraging you to stay on track with your progress, without distractions. Being in a rehab centre far away will also prevent you from stopping treatment suddenly and simply deciding to go home. Many patients find that an in-patient rehab centre that is far away gives them more focus and determination to succeed in their recovery due to the simple change of scene.
Attending Rehab Centres That Are Further Away
A main benefit of choosing a rehab centre that is further away and not local is that you have more options to choose from and can widen your search criteria. If you are happy to travel to a neighbouring county for instance, you may find a rehab centre with more programmes specifically catered to your addiction, with a range of other holistic therapies on offer that interest you. You can decide on which rehab clinic is best for you based on CQC reports, care reviews, staff reviews and treatment programmes, rather than making a choice that’s based solely on location.
Many people struggling with addiction choose to opt for a rehab centre that is not local because it gives them more distance from their usual drug-taking environment, enabling them to clear their mind and take a different perspective on their drink or drug taking. By choosing a rehab facility in a location that is unfamiliar, it will be harder to seek out potential places that may give you drugs or alcohol, and will also remove you from particular triggers such as stress or people that may exacerbate your addiction.
A main concern many people have when attending a rehab that is far away is that their family will not be able to visit them very much during treatment due to the distances involved. Some in-patient rehab programmes last for a month or more, and for some people this may be too long to be away from friends and family. If your family is a big motivation for you, this is an important consideration. Attending a far-away rehab centre for a month may also not be possible if you have young children and need to organise childcare, or if your employer is not flexible and will not give you the time off work to attend treatment.
A final disadvantage is that you might not be able to attend aftercare sessions because of travelling distances involved. Aftercare therapy is very important in helping to aid recovery while ensuring that patients stay on track with their progress.
It is very difficult to accept that you need help for an addiction, and once you have made that decision, it makes the recovery process much easier. At Rehab Clinics Group, we have helped thousands of patients find the right rehab clinic to suit their needs – whether their choice is to stay at a local alcohol rehab centre, or to travel far away to receive treatment. If you would like help and guidance on the type of rehab facilities on offer to you, get in touch with us today. Our expert team of rehab guidance advisors are waiting to hear from you so that we can help you make the right decision for your personal and financial circumstances.