Treatment Newport
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres In Newport

We have treatment centres for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Newport!

For those struggling with a drug and alcohol addiction, there are a number of suitable treatment options available. However, to gauge which will be beneficial, it is important that your personal requirements are considered.

For individuals suffering with mild side effects, where substance abuse may be an irregular but impactful habit, outpatient treatment and support through a drug and alcohol rehab in Newport will carry many benefits. This option will provide convenience, while offering structure to an individual’s life. Additionally, NHS addiction services are also favoured, however, it is important to remember that treatments can be few and far between; influenced by the increased demand of local addiction support.

Where a moderate to chronic dependency is acknowledged, where clear signs and symptoms are present, investing into a residential rehab centre away from home will be advisable. This will ensure that high levels of care and support are offered continuously, while reducing any distractions; known to disrupt and knock clients off their road to recovery.

Here at Rehab Clinics Group, we have a number of rehab centres available, dotted across the UK and even further afield in Spain. We believe that this wide range of options will ensure that a personalised rehab programme can be obtained by all clients, substantially improving their healing potential. Reach out to our team today to discover whether a drug and alcohol rehab near Newport will be ideal, or whether a relocation to our Spanish estate will help diminish your drug and alcohol addiction greater.


Why visiting a rehab centre is advised?

To many individuals living with an addiction, a visit to a rehab centre will seem an unnecessary, needless step. Attempting to recover at home would be an attractive alternative. However, attempting to reduce drug and alcohol consumption without medical supervision is a difficult and dangerous process to complete; especially when a chronic dependency is present.

Unbearable withdrawal symptoms are likely, influencing further substance misuse, along with influential factors within environments. Some clients will work through the withdrawal symptoms and spend a number of consecutive days, weeks or even months sober. However, if an addiction isn’t tackled wholly, it will become an occurring disorder, influencing future drug and alcohol use.

By visiting a rehab centre, ongoing substance abuse can be avoided. Rehab is an effective process to complete, designed with long-term recovery as the end goal for each client. The treatment options and the steps clients complete are combined to tackle a drug and alcohol addiction, and further mental health issues in a realistic, efficient and secure way.

It is also important to remember that without sourcing any form of support, an addiction can become life-limiting. Consistent negative side effects are likely, along with significant deterioration to health and wellbeing. Yet, by reaching out for support through a drug and alcohol rehab in Newport or even further afield, these side effects can be subsidies, and ultimately become non-existent.

Therefore, before closing the door on the support of a rehab centre, consider the benefits linked to completing a treatment programme first, and the life you could miss out on by avoiding support.


The expected process of rehab

For many of our clients, an understanding of the initial rehab process is advantageous. Firstly, an initial telephone assessment will be completed. This assessment will be in place to understand your drug and alcohol consumption greater, along with the impacts this has had on your life. Additionally, our team will gauge your addiction recovery goals. From here, the most suitable and accurate plan will be put in place to cater to your needs.

This will include the most appropriate rehab centre to visit, along with your own personalised treatment programme. The next step will be the completion of a number of our addiction treatments. Throughout this time, progression and comfort will be prioritised to ensure your recovery goals are achievable. A number of medical, therapeutic, social and psychological treatment options will be encouraged, helping you fully heal from your addiction. A drug and alcohol detox, cognitive behavioural therapy, group therapy and motivational sessions will be a few to mention. Additionally, consistent support and relapse prevention classes will be offered to ensure you are advancing and preparing for life post rehab.

Once your treatment programme has achieved full recovery, your rehab journey will come to an end. Yet if you have completed a comprehensive rehab programme, ongoing support will be offered once you return home to Newport. We are passionate about ensuring sobriety can continue post rehab.


The benefits of a drug and alcohol detox

One of the biggest concerns of individuals consuming drugs and alcohol is the detox process. Although this is a difficult treatment to experience, the benefits are worthwhile. By completing a drug and alcohol detox, susceptibility and responsiveness to alternative addiction treatments will increase, helping to ease the rehab process. Please be aware that most of our clients will complete an initial detox to promote an efficient recovery timeframe.

If you are looking to achieve long-term recovery, reach out to our team here at Rehab Clinics Group. Whether a drug and alcohol rehab in Newport will be beneficial, or a residential rehab programme at one of our alternative centres will work best, we can help.

Work with our team to devise the most effective yet comfortable treatment programme, with the aim to heal holistically and comprehensively. Start your rehab journey today, returning home to Newport with a new outlook on substance abuse. Reach out today by calling us on 03301 596 494!