Birth Trauma Treatment

While birth plans may be promoted as a pre-labour activity, unfortunately, not all plans can be guaranteed in the event of a birth. Through the unpredictability of birth, with the overarching aim to protect the health and wellbeing of both baby and mum, it can be difficult to follow a structured plan.

Via those unpredictability’s, sadly, some new mums do experience birth trauma. Such trauma can be experienced in the moment, or also at a post-birth rate, known as postnatal PTSD.

Naturally, having a baby should be one of the most happy and celebrated times. However, through potential trauma, either on physical or psychological levels, for some, labour and the experience of welcoming a new family member can be too much, resulting in birth trauma.

Birth trauma isn’t spoken about enough, categorised as a taboo subject under the diagnosis of PTSD. However, as more and more women suffer from unpredictable and emergency birth experiences, it’s important to firstly boost awareness of such encounters, along with the accessibility of birth trauma treatment and support services.

Here’s some insight into birth trauma treatment to help you if you’re struggling through postnatal PTSD. Even if you’re yet to experience symptoms of depression, detachment or of panic, you may be living in limbo through the initial stages of motherhood. For support, here at Rehab Clinics Group, we’re available with a network of treatment centres and support services, acting as a confidential, specialist helping hand.


What is birth trauma?Birth Trauma Treatment

Birth trauma defines a traumatic experience, linked to labour or post-birth encounters. It’s also known as postnatal PTSD, which in fact is experienced more than people would imagine. On average, 30,000 women each year in the UK experience symptoms of birth trauma. Yet, down to its taboo recognition, many new mums hide away from diagnoses and treatment.

Postnatal PTSD can materialise in physical and psychological forms. It can be triggered by the birth itself, or it can be triggered by low feelings or of detachment, experienced on a post-birth basis.

Expectations are built up around the arrival of a new baby, throughout both the labour and throughout the initial moments of ‘1st’. However, those expectations are mostly unrealistic, damaging the dreamy imagery of birth and parenting, for many, increasing the risks of postnatal PTSD.

Of course, birth trauma is an involuntary result of traumatic events, sadly motivated by uncontrollable stimuli. While some women will be at greater risk of birth trauma, especially those with pre-existing mental health issues, the unpredictability of birth can influence such symptoms for any mum.

In the moment, birth trauma can be difficult to digest, yet with the right support and treatment, it can be managed and worked through, to enhance the magic of neutering a new-born.


The effects of PTSD in postnatal women

Postnatal PTSD can showcase itself in many different ways. Commonly the causation of such traumatic feelings will impact how birth trauma displays itself, whether on physical or psychological levels.

Common causations of PTSD in postnatal women include:

  • An unplanned and/or traumatic labour/caesarean section
  • Emergency treatment
  • Pain through labour
  • Unpredictable difficulties, concern or loss
  • Delays in bonding, down to illness

Above are some of the causations which can result in symptoms of birth trauma including nightmares, hypervigilance, insomnia, attachment issues, anxiety, depression, emotional avoidance, worries over safety, distrust in medical professionals, and feeling emotionally and physically numb.

While many may believe that symptoms of postnatal PTSD will reduce overtime, once parenthood can be enjoyed, birth trauma treatment will be a necessity for many individuals.


Sourcing treatment and social support for postnatal trauma

At Rehab Clinics Group, we feel a duty to share insight into birth trauma treatment to show the necessity of sourcing treatment and support. By avoiding support and experiencing the motions of birth trauma, such symptoms can have adverse effects on your health and on your relationships. Your relationship with your new-born may also be impacted, you may develop mental health issues, you may feel worried about future pregnancies or you may devalue professional support.

Down to potential risks, it’s encouraged that if you’re feeling low, resembling baby blues, that you speak up and consider treatment for postnatal PTSD.


Leaning on Rehab Clinics Group for such treatments

Childbirth is a personal, sensitive experience. With this in mind, we understand that opening up about traumatic experiences may be tough. However, without opening up, chronic postnatal PTSD can be encountered, which can amount to physical and psychological concerns.

Avoid such concerns by accepting support and treatment, which we can facilitate through our network of treatment centres here at Rehab Clinics Group. We hope that some insight into birth trauma treatment has helped you see beyond the taboo of such support. For additional insight and emotional guidance, contact our team today.




Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the leading causations of birth trauma?

    Leading causations of birth trauma usually focus on the birth itself, where emergency or traumatic events take place. This can be anything from unpredictable processes, to health concerns of the mother or baby, and even a lack of support on a post-delivery basis. Birth trauma can however amount from any negative stimuli, very similar to alternative mental health issues, standing as a personal and sensitive experience.
  • What are the signs of postnatal PTSD?

    There are a multitude of postnatal PTSD signs. The majority surround baby blues, where low, irritable feelings are experienced, which can fall within the categories of paranoia, anxiety, depression and irrational behaviours. Feeling fearful over certain situations, feeling like you cannot enjoy motherhood, or feelings that you are incapable of being a mum are also signs of birth trauma. All are clear indications that birth trauma treatment should be sourced.
  • What type of birth trauma treatment is available?

    Birth trauma treatment mainly surrounds the promotion of talking therapies. Trauma focused cognitive behavioural therapy will be an advantageous treatment to complete, to look back at such events or memories, and change emotional responses from traumatic to accepting. Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing is also offered through our clinics at Rehab Clinics Group, with the aim to speed up mental recovery on a post-birth basis. Your emotions will be respected through treatment. We will however aim to support you, help you think rationally, and also consider the positives of your birth/parenting experience. Medication may be prescribed as a treatment option, yet this will only be likely in the event of alternative mental health symptoms, such as depression.
  • Why is treatment necessary?

    Treatment is necessary when considering birth trauma, as without support, fixating on such traumatic events can cause physical and psychological health concerns, along with attachment issues. Untreated postnatal PTSD can cause life-limiting impacts, which will deter your responsibility as a parent.
  • What type of self-help can I complete?

    Birth trauma treatment will be the most beneficial resource to accept. However, there are some self-help tips you can also follow to ease this time. Remembering that you are human is important, as through childbirth, superhuman expectations are placed on women. You need to consider your feelings and provide yourself with enough space to digest them. Opening up to loved ones will also help to relieve the symptoms of birth trauma, along with considering local support groups. Birth trauma is more common than you’d imagine, which is where you can benefit from mutual experiences and perspective. Self-care will also help to ease your recovery on physical and psychological scales. Caring for yourself is very important to ensure that you can care for your new-born. Also understanding your triggers is recommended, to reduce future emotional responses of birth trauma.