We have Treatment Centres for Drugs and Alcohol in Dunstable
Sobriety is the dream for most of our clients. Reaching a point where drugs and alcohol are highly devalued is the ultimate goal attached to completing rehab.
While doable, and experienced by many recovering addicts, it is important to understand the realism of sobriety.
Living drug and alcohol-free will carry many benefits. Such freedom is something that we hope for, for our clients here at Rehab Clinics Group.
To experience health benefits, to experience control, to experience clarity and to experience true presence are the aims of drug and alcohol rehabilitation. However, such aims will need to be maintained for the long term.
Sober living is a manageable goal, yet a goal that must also be concentrated on and sustained. Unfortunately, expecting to be cured of addiction is unrealistic, as drug and alcohol attachments can remain, usually to a minute degree.
To avoid exposure to such attachments, manageable steps must be maintained, through lifestyle choices, through working on your mindset, and through relapse prevention.
By practising such steps, sobriety can then be enjoyed, normalised and turned into long-term recovery. This is true freedom, which will take some getting used to through initial management.
While it can be tough on an initial basis, to sustain sobriety, you can reach a point where control is an asset of yours.
However, to set such goals and start a realistic recovery journey, visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Dunstable will firstly need to be accepted and completed.
Do so with our support, followed by ongoing guidance around long-term recovery.
The realism of sobriety
Sober living is the true meaning of freedom for those currently controlled by drugs and alcohol. Here’s where normal life can resume without the consistent need to consume or think about such addictive substances.
Sobriety can be enjoyed, it will carry many benefits, and is a status that is realistically achievable through drug and alcohol rehabilitation.
Essentially, foundations of recovery will need to be completed through rehab to reach a point where sober living can be worked towards. With this in mind, if you’re yet to complete rehab, this is a realistic step you’ll first need to take.
From here, the realism of sobriety can be experienced, where you’ll likely return home to Dunstable with supportive skills.
However, those skills must be strengthened, your efforts of sobriety must be continued, and your life must change to facilitate such efforts.
Rehab will not induce instant sobriety. You will need to withdraw, restore, rebuild, and maintain such actions to be able to work through and manoeuvre around drug and alcohol exposure.
You’ll need to be armed with coping strategies and a relapse prevention plan to help you normalise sober living while tackling any threats to avoid regression.
Support will be available along the way, to ease such normalisation. Yet it’s important that you know what to expect and the initial efforts that you’ll need to make before you can sustain long-term sobriety.
Working towards sober living via a drug and alcohol rehab in Dunstable
As a starting point, visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Dunstable will be advised, to move you through the initial stages of addiction recovery.
Through a range of addiction treatment services, withdrawal and rebuilding efforts will be aimed, to help you recover on physical and psychological levels.
You’ll need to move through the motions where drugs and alcohol can be devalued on a physical level, where your body can cope without their presence, and on a psychological level, where your mind can function independently.
Through both aims, you’ll have support, coping strategies and lifestyle improvements to highlight the value of your reality, without their presence.
Such comprehensive efforts will be doable by investing in a reputable rehab clinic that offers residential and personal programmes of treatment.
Through our group, you can find a drug and alcohol rehab in Dunstable which does just that, all catered around your needs.
Taking this initial step is essential to learn how to cope without drugs and alcohol, with the possibility of strengthening sobriety.
Without drug and alcohol rehab efforts, such aims will be impossible, as realignment and restoration are necessary on physical and psychological scales to detach.
See rehab as the first part of your recovery journey, followed by the second of independent, long-term recovery.
Withdrawing and rebuilding
The key aim of rehab is to advance through withdrawal and rebuild efforts. Withdrawal will be achievable through a medically structured drug and alcohol detox programme.
Physical withdrawal will need to be fulfilled to disconnect and remove a significant build-up of addictive substances.
Rebuild will be worked towards through a range of therapeutic addiction treatment services, all based around stress management, therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy, support groups and relapse prevention.
All will aim to rebuild the mind, your mindset, your confidence and your lifestyle, in a way that can cope without drugs and alcohol.
To promote safe and effective withdrawal and rebuild efforts, a personal programme will be formed for you, including some of the above treatment services.
This is a definite expectation of visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Dunstable through our services.
Sustaining change for the long-term
Change must be accepted and embraced in order to live a sober lifestyle. You may need to change your routine, your career, your nutrition, your schedule and your relationships. Yet all will be worthwhile to remove the risk of drug and alcohol exposure.
Rehab itself will place you in a position where you can manage without drugs and alcohol. Yet post-rehab life will be the vehicle for change, where you’ll need to sustain such change to recovery for the long-term.
Support will be available to you to alleviate this time and help you manoeuvre successfully towards sobriety. Yet your commitment to change will need to come from within, where you’ll truly be passionate about changing for the better.
Through rehab and through sustainable change, you can reach sobriety as a recovery goal. Start the process by contacting our team, soon to visit a drug and alcohol rehab in Dunstable to provide you with the skills and motivations to remain sober.