Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Glastonbury

We Have Treatment Centres For Drug and Alcohol Rehab Near Glastonbury

Addiction is a destructive force that can affect anyone. It has the power to destroy relationships and cause permanent physical and mental damage. Many people suffering from addiction feel they are beyond help or that no help is there for them.

Rehab Clinics Group believe that no one is a lost cause. With effective treatment at a rehabilitation centre, anyone can turn their life around. If you are asking the question about whether you need help, then you probably do.

We understand that ending your addiction is a massive undertaking, and we believe it is something that cannot be done without help. Built upon a culture of care and removing the shame from addiction, Rehab Clinics Group has helped thousands put their lives back on track.


What are the Benefits of Residential Rehab in Glastonbury?

Whilst undergoing treatment on an outpatient has its benefits – lower cost, stay at home – the best treatment available is found at a residential alcohol and drug rehab clinic.

Residential rehab provides you with constant care. Having access to 24/7 care by medical and care professionals ensures that the programme you are participating in is comprehensive and effective. You can also be reassured that staff are on hand if at any point you feel uncomfortable or need medical attention.

Taking time away from your usual environment is also key to effective recovery. With residential rehab, you are given the chance to break out of old, destructive routines and reset. You are given time to focus on your recovery and not have to worry about everyday responsibilities that may have been distracting you from getting better.

Alongside removing yourself from temptations, residential rehabs under the Rehab Clinics Group umbrella are catered toward recovery. We aim to create a positive environment in settings that encourage reflection and repair – bringing you into contact with people who understand your struggles. Having this type of support in a calm environment will hopefully make you more receptive to new ideas.

Residential rehabs, though more expensive, carry with them a greater rate of success. If you are serious about recovery, private residential rehab is the best pathway.


The Admissions Process

Coming into treatment can be an overwhelming experience that happens quite quickly. We at Rehab Clinics Group understand this and try to make our admissions process as stress-free as possible.

Our admissions team are experts at helping people through this process. They are on hand every step of the way to answer any questions you may have. Putting you at ease and turning your anxiety into positivity means that you will come to one of our centres in the right mindset.

If availability allows it, you can be admitted within a few days of your initial enquiry. The pre-admission screening and deposit are all steps that can happen very quickly if you are motivated.

Though the process is quick, we are extremely thorough. We ensure that your addiction programme suits your needs, and you will undergo a full clinical and recovery plan assessment to ensure you get the correct support.


Treatments Available in Residential Rehab Glastonbury

At Rehab Clinics Group, we believe that to effectively combat addiction, you must deal with both the physical and psychological sides. After you enter one of our facilities, you will participate in an addiction treatment programme tailored to your needs. Our team considers all aspects of your situation and addiction to forge a path that will hand you the greatest chance of achieving your recovery goals.

The first step of any effective treatment is detoxification. At Rehab Clinics Group, you will undergo a medically assisted programme. Medication is administered by medical professionals to ease the withdrawal symptoms you will most likely experience. Side effects from detoxing can differ depending on whether you are undergoing alcohol detox or drug detox. Medication is given and adjusted based on the severity of your symptoms. Staff will be on hand 24/7 to guide you through this distressing time and ensure you are as comfortable as you can be.

Afterwards, you will engage in various forms of therapies. We utilise a combination of individual, group and well-being therapies to make up a comprehensive programme. Through sessions such as stress management, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Satori Chair Therapy, you will grasp your addiction and learn the skills you need to cope with triggers in the outside world.

Your time at drug and alcohol rehab can be intense. To help you enjoy your downtime, we provide many social activities for you to take part in. From quiz nights to daily walks, you can find something to help you unwind and prepare yourself for the next sessions. These activities also encourage socialisation, which we feel is an important component of addiction treatment.



The first year after rehab is a crucial time. You may feel overwhelmed and underprepared for sober living just out of rehab. This is a completely normal reaction, and many others feel the same. Unfortunately, most relapses occur within the first few months after rehab, so it is important to take steps to lessen the chance of that happening.

That is when aftercare comes in.

A 12-month aftercare plan will be provided for you on your leaving rehab. This package is FREE and helps you keep up with the techniques and skills you have learnt in rehab to deal with your addiction. Through weekly support meetings, you can connect with fellow recovering addicts and build relationships that help you. Surrounded by people who understand your struggles will show you that you are not alone on your journey.

Long-term recovery from addiction is a continual process and not something that rehab alone can cure or fix. By making the most of resources such as aftercare, you give yourself the best chance at preventing relapses and living the life you wish to live.


Get Help Today

If you are ready to beat your drug addiction and/or alcohol addiction, then it is best to get professional help as soon as possible. With our bespoke addiction treatment, Rehab Clinics Group can provide you with the resources and guidance you need to achieve long-term recovery.

Start your journey today by calling us at 03301 596 494 or text HELP to 83222.

  • Can I refer a family member to drug and alcohol rehab?

    Yes, absolutely. Rehab clinics group offers a family and friend referral service for those worried about their loved one’s substance abuse. Our dedicated team can help family members through this difficult time, offering advice and guidance on the next steps to take. Throughout this process and beyond, we offer family drug support as we understand that addiction affects many people beyond the addict.
  • What is a medically assisted detox?

    Drug or alcohol detox is the process of slowly and safely removing the harmful toxins from your body caused by substances. This is done so that physically you are no longer dependent on the harmful substances and can begin to function without them. Medication is administered to help ease the worst of the withdrawal symptoms you will experience when detoxing. It is a safe process and gives you a much better chance at long-term recovery, rather than going cold turkey.
  • How do I begin my path to recovery?

    If you have recognised that you are an addict, then you’ve already taken the first step. That in itself is a victory that many people cannot face up to. After you’ve done that it is best to do some research on how you wish to undergo treatment. Do you want to undergo treatment on an inpatient or outpatient basis? Do you want to go private or with the NHS? It may seem overwhelming but reaching out to a friend or family member for help or contacting one of our team at Rehab Clinics Group is a positive next step.