Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment In Loughborough

We have treatment centres for drug and alcohol rehab near Loughborough

As a private drug and alcohol rehab, we can personalise each treatment plan to the individual, which helps enormously in recovery. Following a treatment programme that’s personalised to your unique needs and the severity of your addiction gives you the best opportunity to achieve a long-term recovery.

We’re able to take the time to fully understand the nature of your addiction and identify what your triggers are so that we break your physical and psychological connections to the substance.


Addiction Treatment Loughborough

Drug or alcohol addiction affects people worldwide and has been a significant issue in the UK for some time now. Addiction can impact anyone from any background, age, and race; this isn’t a weakness or a choice; addiction is an awful disease which requires professional support.

When you’re suffering from an addiction to alcohol or drugs, it can be difficult to know where to go to receive support. There are numerous options available to you that can help support your road to recovery.

When you contact our drug and alcohol rehab in Loughborough, we will discuss your addiction and review your physical and psychological health to ensure we can provide the most effective treatment options for your unique condition.

Once you’ve contacted our friendly admissions team, we will invite you for a pre-screening assessment where our team can get to know you better and so that you can ask as many questions as you like.

If you’re happy to proceed, we will design a personalised treatment programme unique to your condition to maximise its effectiveness. We will set a date to welcome you into our rehab centre and provide a full induction to ensure you’re settled in and familiar with your surroundings before commencing your addiction treatment.


Is Residential Rehab the Best Treatment?

Knowing where to begin your rehab search can feel very overwhelming. There is a wide range of options available to you; however, the first decision you’ll need is whether you want to join a private drug and alcohol rehab or receive treatment from a free local health service like the NHS.

Of course, there are costs associated with private drug and alcohol rehab. Still, this rehabilitation method has proven to be the most effective and valuable as you’ll likely only undergo private rehab once. In contrast, many people experience failed attempts through the NHS treatment programme, meaning they must keep repeating the process.

The next decision you’ll need to consider is whether you’ll join rehab as an inpatient or outpatient. As an outpatient, you’ll visit our rehab centre each day while remaining home overnight. In contrast, inpatient rehab means you’ll stay overnight at our drug and alcohol rehab in Loughborough for the duration of your treatment plan.

Both outpatient and inpatient rehab have their advantages and disadvantages; there’s no right answer; it’s just whichever method suits you best. Inpatient rehab typically produces a higher rate of successful long-term recoveries, which could be attributed to several reasons.

Firstly, by staying overnight at our rehab facility, you become immersed in the recovery-focused environment as there are no distractions or daily stresses of home life. This means that your sole focus can be recovering from your addiction with no negative influences, which could be at home.

Whilst many feel comfortable remaining at home throughout their addiction treatment, being within your comfort zone may not be the best option for your recovery. The daily stresses of home life and work can be major distractions and deter from the crucial task of recovering from drugs or alcohol.

However, joining rehab as an outpatient offers more flexibility depending on your circumstances so that it could be more suitable for those with milder drug or alcohol addiction.


Addiction Treatment Therapies

As a drug and alcohol rehab centre, it’s essential that we offer a wide range of therapies which focus on breaking your physical and psychological connections to the substance. A treatment that might work for one person may not work for someone else, so it’s crucial that we spend time with each person to ensure we’re designing the most effective treatment plan for you.

We highly recommend beginning your addiction treatment with a drug or alcohol detoxification. This is the most effective way to break your physical connection to drugs or alcohol.

We typically follow your medical detoxification with psychological therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), motivational interviewing, stress management, psychotherapy, individual, group or family counselling, and relapse prevention.

We’ve found the most successful rehabilitation plans include a mixture of detox, psychological therapies, and therapies which focus on improving your general well-being. These include nutritional supplement therapy, relaxation and sleep management, low-level laser therapy, yoga, art therapy, music therapy, fitness therapy, meditation, and mindfulness.


Help with Rehab Clinics Group

Possibly the most important part of your addiction treatment is an aftercare plan. This occurs once you’ve completed the treatment plan at our drug and alcohol rehab in Loughborough. It helps you transition back into home life, adopting all the tools and knowledge you’ve learnt at our rehab facility.

We offer all our clients a complimentary aftercare plan for 12 months which includes a dedicated helpline, access to local support groups, and additional therapy sessions as required.



Are you suffering from Alcohol Addiction and need help? If so, Rehab Clinics Group is a leading UK-based expert in alcohol rehabilitation treatment. Find out how we can help by contacting our friendly team today. Call our confidential helpline on 0800 470 0382 or request a callback by clicking on the button below.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Do I Prepare To Go To Rehab?

    In terms of preparation for rehab, the main thing that you need to be is ready to make serious changes to your lifestyle, thought patterns, and behaviour. The willingness to commit to recovery and give yourself over to the positive changes that specialist therapists can bring about is key to a successful stay at rehab. When it comes to your physical preparation, there is little that needs to be done as the facility’s detox clinic will get you in the best physical state for your recovery. We do not advise detoxing at home prior to arrival as this is extremely dangerous.
  • What are the options for therapy?

    As covered above, there are many different types of therapy that you can experience which will help you in your journey of overcoming an addictive disorder. There are both physical and psychological treatments which you may benefit from — as addiction does not exclusively attack either your body or your mind. The blend of physical and psychological therapies that our referrals will see you benefit from mean you will experience a wide array of therapy types to better combat your addictive disorder.
  • What is the difference between a substance or behavioural addiction?

    Substance addiction is being addicted to something like drugs or alcohol, stuff that you can put into your body to change the chemistry of it and change your outlook. Behavioural addiction is centred around being addicted to certain activities. These things can be gambling, sex, playing video games. Substance addiction can cause more physical problems as you are putting toxins into your body whereas behavioural addiction affects your brain and emotions but can lead to physical issues such as self-harming and suicide. Both are dangerous but equally beatable.