In their latest report, the Office for National Statistics said that there were 7,423 alcohol-specific deaths in 2020 – an increase of 20% on the previous year and that there were 16,994 hospital admissions due to drug misuse.
This abuse can quickly turn to addiction – a turn that can wreak havoc on the lives of the person addicted and the people around them.
Rehab Clinics Group is an organisation dedicated to helping all those that seek it and have helped launch the journey to recovery for hundreds of former addicts.
Are you suffering from Alcohol Addiction and need help? If so, Rehab Clinics Group are leading UK based experts in alcohol rehabilitation treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today. You can either call our confidential helpline on 0800 470 0382 or request a callback by clicking on the below form.
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Do I or a Loved One Suffer from Drug and Alcohol Addiction?
The problem with addiction is that it can play tricks on how you perceive the world and yourself. Many people in the throes of drug and alcohol abuse are in denial about the fact and unwilling to examine the damage it is doing to themselves and the people around them.
If you know someone who is getting out of control with their addiction, it may be time to get seek outside help.
At Rehab Clinics Group you will find we offer a friend and family referral service. We have a team of professionals dedicated to helping find a solution to the problem of your loved one’s addiction. After you have contacted us, we will reach out to the person to see if they are open to a further, more in-depth discussion at a rehabilitation centre. If the further talk goes well then personalised treatment plans can be drawn up and we can move forward to organising an admission date.
If you are reading this and wondering if you have become addicted to drugs or alcohol, there are many indications.
Symptoms that could indicate alcohol abuse and addiction are (but are not limited to) extreme mood swings, temporary blackouts, short term memory loss. Behavioural symptoms can include drinking first thing in the morning, finding excuses to drink, drinking so it affects work and other activities.
Symptoms of drug abuse and addiction vary and can include digestive issues, sweating, drowsiness. Psychological symptoms that arise are depression, insomnia, memory loss and many others.
If any of this seems familiar to yourself or a loved one, then don’t panic – it’s never too late to get help. Here at Rehabs Clinic Group, we provide industry-leading drug and alcohol treatment. The drug and alcohol services on offer are guided around a philosophy centred around people and their welfare. Behind every addiction, there is a person, and that person needs to be treated with care, respect and compassion to have the best chance of achieving long-term recovery.
Therapy Options During Drug and Alcohol Rehab
After the initial period at a detox clinic where you or a loved one will undergo medically induced drug or alcohol detox, most of the time at rehab will be spent in therapy sessions.
We believe in dealing with both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction but know that the mind and emotions are where the root of addiction lives and prospers. To help understand and confront the problems that cause addiction we utilise a wide array of treatment options such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, stress management and group therapy. We also employ more holistic therapies such as Satori Chair Therapy, Low-Level Laser Therapy, and acupuncture to bring about ease and comfort to everyone’s stay at the centre.
Mental health issues and addiction sometimes go hand in hand. We stress dual-diagnosis treatment (if it is warranted) so that concurrent problems are dealt with, and the correct medications given – complementing the addiction treatment to achieve a more effective result.
Before attending rehab, some people view it as the end of the journey and the end of their addiction. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The rest of life must follow and with it all the triggers and temptations that led a person to addiction in the first place. Many people who leave a treatment centre return to the environment where the addiction began and thrived, and so must find a way to cope.
We at Rehab Clinics Group understand that the first months out of rehab are distressing and vital to maintaining long-term sobriety. Because of this, we offer a free 12-month aftercare package to any client of ours. This plan is tailored towards the individual, taking in factors such as the type of addiction, medical history, addiction history and the work/home environment they are returning to.
The core of the plan is built around going to weekly group meetings. These meetings give you or a loved one the chance to connect with peers and volunteers (often former addicts) that can help you get through the hard times. These types of relationships are important to foster as building a strong support network and not being isolated is vital to relapse prevention.
We have a dedicated aftercare team on hand to help if relapse does occur that can help get you or a loved one back into a rehab centre if that’s what is necessary.
Rehab Near Me
If you are ready to find a drug and alcohol rehab in South Yorkshire or want to speak to someone at Rehab Clinics Group to get more information – call us at 03301 596 494 or text HELP to 83222.
What effect does addiction have on mental health?
Addiction, whether it be drugs, alcohol or both, can have a massive effect on a person’s mental health. It can acerbate current mental health issues as substances cloud the mind and impair judgement. Drinking or doing drugs to self-medicate can worsen depression, heighten anxiety, and start a cycle where a person feels they can only cope with their mental health problems by self-medicating.
What are the best treatment options for addiction?
As stated above we believe in a wide encompassing approach when it comes to addiction treatment. Getting to the source of the emotional and psychological issues that drive a person to addiction is the best way to make sure the destructive patterns aren’t repeated. A combination of medically induced detoxification and various forms of talk therapy are the bedrock for effective addiction treatment.
What is the difference between a substance or behavioural addiction?
Substance addiction is being addicted to something like drugs or alcohol, stuff that you can put into your body to change the chemistry of it and change your outlook. Behavioural addiction is centred around being addicted to certain activities. These things can be gambling, sex, playing video games. Substance addiction can cause more physical problems as you are putting toxins into your body whereas behavioural addiction affects your brain and emotions but can lead to physical issues such as self-harming and suicide. Both are dangerous but equally beatable.