Treatment Ramsgate
Alcohol Rehab Centres In Ramsgate

We have treatment centres for alcohol rehab in Ramsgate

Signs of Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Identifying addiction is the first step towards long-term recovery. If you want to change your life for the better, then you need to identify the problems you are living with to get the help you need.

Some misconceptions surrounding addiction are pushed by tv and movies that make people think that people struggling with addiction all look the same. The simple fact is drug and alcohol addiction can affect anyone at any time in their lives, no matter their age, religion, criminal record, social class or sexuality. It is important that if you want to recognise a potential addiction in yourself, you discard these preconceptions.

Many people struggling with alcohol and drug addiction appear to those who don’t know as perfectly fine. They go to work, socialise and hang around with their family as if nothing is happening. But just because everything may look fine on the surface, it doesn’t mean that they feel fine. No matter how functional, addiction is dangerous and puts your life and lifestyle at serious risk. If you want to be sure that you have an addiction, please read the following list carefully and try to be as honest with yourself as possible.

  • Do you regularly binge drink or drink to the point you experience blackouts?
  • Do you regularly miss work or social activities in order to abuse substances instead?
  • Do you ever lie to doctors or pharmacies in order to access prescription painkillers?
  • Do you break the law because of your substance abuse, such as by driving while under the influence?
  • Have you ever stolen from people you care about to buy more drugs or alcohol?
  • Do you have a family history of addiction?
  • Do you need to hide your drug or alcohol use from your friends or family members?
  • Do you plan your day around when you can next have drugs or alcohol?
  • Do you crave drugs or alcohol from first thing in the morning until the last thing at night?
  • Have you noticed a decline in your physical or mental health?
  • Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms?

Withdrawal symptoms are often the definitive proof a lot of people need. They include:

  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Aggression
  • Paranoia
  • Insomnia
  • Nightmares or night terrors
  • Headache
  • Measure
  • Vomiting
  • Hives
  • Hot flashes
  • Chills
  • Diarrhoea
  • Muscle pain
  • Muscle spasms
  • Hallucinations
  • Fever
  • Dehydration
  • Delirium
  • Seizures

Remember that not all addictions can cause withdrawal symptoms, and they only appear with alcohol and certain drugs such as heroin or prescription painkillers. But you may still experience mental withdrawals if you are addicted to cannabis or cocaine.


What Happens at Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Drug and alcohol rehab is a medical facility specialising in rehabilitation. In theory, it is no different to a specialised sector of any hospital. It caters to a specific condition and does what it can to provide the best support and care for those that need it. Your time in rehab will be spent doing various treatments designed to help deal with your physical and mental addictions. This is done with a drug and alcohol detox and therapy.

The detox process takes around ten days to complete. During this time, you will be monitored day and night by the rehabs medical team, who will keep you safe and administer medication to relieve your withdrawal symptoms if they prove too much for your body to handle. The alcohol and drug detox starts your journey as it relieves your cravings and makes it safe for you to go potentially the rest of your life without any drugs or alcohol. Following the detox, you will still need to learn how to manage your addiction which you will do through therapy.

Therapy in alcohol and drug rehab is about learning how to identify the triggers for your cravings so that you can try to avoid them. When this is impossible, you will be given a set of tools to adapt to everyday life that helps you replace your substance abuse with healthier coping mechanisms.


Benefits of Private Drug and Alcohol Rehab

One of the main benefits of private drug and alcohol rehab in Ramsgate is that you are kept away from all temptation. You can access any drugs or alcohol to abuse during your stay. This allows you to concentrate during a very difficult time in your life. You also have the benefit of receiving all of your treatments one after the other, giving you a very linear recovery journey that helps you make a lot of progress during your stay at the centre.

Intense inpatient rehab provides the perfect foundation to build an addiction-free life.


How Long Do I Need To Stay At Rehab?

Technically, you can stay as long or as little as you want in rehab. You can leave any rehab whenever you want so long as you have not been ordered there by a judge as part of sentencing. That being said, it is recommended that you at least stay for the ten-day detox treatment as it is a dangerous process to attempt alone. If you want to see the full benefit of rehab, however, you should try to stay for the full twenty-eight days to fully immerse yourself in your recovery. This way, you will get all the benefits of the drug and alcohol rehab centre in Ramsgate.


Contact Our Team

If you are ready to take the next step towards long-term recovery, we can help you. At Rehab Clinics Group, we can help you find the perfect drug and alcohol rehab centre that can lead you to long-term recovery. We do this by taking the time to get to know you, your needs and your experiences with addiction so that we can refer you to a rehab centre that works for you.

All you have to do is call us at 0800 470 0382, and we can handle everything else. This will be a difficult time for you, which is why we are here to make things just that little bit easier.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Happens After I Leave Rehab?

    For most people who finish a course of inpatient treatment at a rehabilitation centre, there can be a real sense of trepidation about re-entering society. Finding yourself back at home after such an intensive course of treatment may be unsettling at first, but the important thing for you to do is start focussing on the positives that come with living free from addiction. Also, as mentioned above, Rehab Clinics Group refer to treatment centres that offer aftercare programmes, which will ensure that you have the support you had during treatment to ease the transition back to everyday life.
  • How to help a family member with addiction?

    We offer a friend and family referral service to help family members get their loved one the help they need. After treatment has finished and family members are in more constant contact with the recovering loved one it’s important to be there for them. It’s also important for family members to look after themselves – many find comfort in attending support meetings as well to connect with people going through the same thing. Openness and understanding all around are vital to moving forward and might make it easier to spot any warning signs down the line.
  • What side effects could I experience during detoxification?

    Detox side effects and withdrawal symptoms are common during this process as the body metabolises the toxic elements in the system. They can vary widely depending on the substance involved and other factors. Withdrawal from cocaine or marijuana addiction can produce psychological withdrawal symptoms while alcohol withdrawal can have severe physical and psychological side effects including:    • Sweating  • Nausea  • Shakes/tremors  • Cramps  • Seizures  • Depression  • Anxiety  • Difficulty sleeping  • Visual hallucinations