We have treatment centres for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Stockport
Overcoming denial and acknowledging that an addiction is present is one of the hardest steps to take. However, once you do reach out for specialised support through a rehab centre, your journey to long-term recovery can begin. Without taking this step, significant negative impacts will enter a user’s life. Physical and psychological illnesses are highly likely, along with a reduced quality of life.
To overcome this, reach out to a drug and alcohol rehab in Stockport. Here at Rehab Clinics Group, we offer recovery programmes to those suffering with substance abuse and alcoholism. Our team of addiction specialists are equipped with the knowledge and experience to support our clients through this time of change. If you are looking for a home from home, while you recover under leading care, get in touch.
Seeking addiction support in Stockport
Before greater damages are caused, if you’re experiencing any form of habitual behaviours or mental health issues, taking the first step by contacting a drug and alcohol rehab in Stockport should be a priority. Although you may currently believe that your consumption is under control, the vicious circle of addiction will set in, influencing detrimental impacts.
To avoid this scenario, completing a rehab programme alongside a reputable facility will help reduce the damages you’re experiencing, along with reaching the goal of long-term recovery.
Here at Rehab Clinics Group, we can help you achieve this. We have a number of rehab centres situated across the UK, some in close proximity to Stockport, along with our Spain based luxury estate. Each have a high success rate in helping those with a drug and alcohol addiction recover.
Why consider a residential rehab programme
Although a move from Stockport may seem daunting, here at Rehab Clinics Group, we fully recommend a residential rehab programme. If your drug and alcohol addiction is mild and well controlled, outpatient treatment may be suitable. This can be completed at a drug and alcohol rehab in Stockport. However, this will only be recommended if deemed safe when considering your health.
For the majority of our clients, a short stay at one of our rehab centres will be recommended. This will provide you with immediate, around the clock specialised care, access to our industry leading addiction treatments, and a relaxing, peaceful environment to unwind.
Additionally, by providing yourself with space from your current triggers, your recovery probability will significantly advance. You will be left with the time and energy to invest in your recovery, while avoiding the temptation to consume drugs and alcohol.
Alongside advancing your recovery probability, visiting a residential rehab centre will ease the process for you. Many steps within rehab can be difficult. For example, a detox can be one of the most exhausting treatments available due to regular withdrawal symptoms.
However, if completed, recovery likelihood will significantly increase. To ensure treatment can be completed fully, the supervision of a medical professional should be present. This can be controlled by enrolling at a residential private facility. By attempting to complete this at home, dangers will be present, along with an increased probability of future relapses.
Treatment options available to diminish addiction
By visiting either of our drug and alcohol rehab centres, you will complete a number of addiction treatments, focusing on social, medical and psychological connections to substance abuse. To ensure your rehab programme is a success, our team will create a personalised addiction treatment plan. This will ensure your addiction is tackled holistically by recommending the most suitable treatment combination.
Common addiction treatments experienced by our clients include cognitive behavioural therapy, detoxes, therapy sessions with our addiction counsellors and support groups. Each treatment option will work on your physical and psychological connection to drugs and alcohol. For some individuals, consumption is fuelled by the difficult withdrawal symptoms experienced. For others, greater doses have taken place to block out ongoing mental health issues. Whichever the scenario, our specialised team will create a route to recovery, taking these factors into consideration.
Each of our rehab programmes have a high success rate. Our addiction treatments are industry leading, ensuring our clients receive high standards of care. We will also ensure any connected mental health issues you are experiencing can be tackled before you return home to Stockport. Please be aware that rehab timeframes and treatment methods may be adapted throughout to promote full progression. Our mission is to ensure you fully recover effectively.
Post rehab support here at Rehab Clinics Group
If you complete a programme at either of our rehab centres, we offer further support post rehab. Our aftercare outpatient services will be completed at a drug and alcohol rehab in Stockport or as close as possible, ensuring you have free support as you transition back home. We will promote regular support groups and AA sessions to ensure your motivation is maintained. To reduce any future relapses, positive coping mechanisms will also be communicated. We are passionate about your future, ensuring it is a drug-free one.
If you are searching for a drug and alcohol rehab in Stockport, consider a short move to one of our residential rehab centres. We can offer high levels of around the clock care, along with our evidence-based addiction treatments.
We can cater to your needs by offering additional services and transport from Stockport to ease your admission. Our relaxing, luxury environment will also promote rejuvenation and rest. Although rehab can be difficult, we will do our utmost to ensure a positive experience occurs.
Get in touch today to complete an initial telephone assessment. From here, a clear recommendation of the most suitable rehab centre and treatment options will be communicated. Our team will offer a compassionate, non-judgmental approach while helping you begin your rehab journey.
An addiction can be overcome. Although this may seem impossible currently, by taking the first step, an addiction-free future is likely. Let our team support you. Call us today on 03301 596 494!