If you feel like you are ready to get help with addiction, it’s important to reach out for that help as soon as possible.
Get in touch with us today to find out more about addictions, our therapies, and drug and alcohol rehab.
We are here to help you take that all-important first step towards making a full recovery from your drug or alcohol addiction.
How Does a Drug or Alcohol Addiction Start?
Addictions are a disease that can happen to anyone from all walks of life. Many young people fall into the traps of addiction due to curiosity.
For some people, substance abuse is a way of escaping or coping with triggers and everyday stressors.
Addictions often happen gradually and, a lot of the time, the addict may not even realise that they are addicted to a substance until it’s too late.
Drugs and alcohol can start the rewarding process in your brain. These feel-good chemicals can prevent your brain from being able to produce those chemicals naturally.
Your body will then feel like it needs drugs or alcohol to feel normal. This is how addictions start.
Some people are more susceptible to falling into the traps of addiction. There are several risk factors.
The more risk factors that someone is subjected to, the more likely it is that there is a chance that this person may develop an addiction.
One example of a factor is genetics. Addictions can run in families and many children can become addicts as their brains will work in a similar way to their parents.
A person’s environment can also influence the susceptibility to addiction.
Many people in alcohol and drug rehab come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Lack of parental guidance and peer pressure can be very influential in developing addictions.
Adding to that, the age of a substance abuser can play a role in the possibility of the addiction developing.
When drugs or alcohol are tried at a young age and the brain hasn’t fully developed just yet, this could lead to permanent damage to the person’s brain.
Are you suffering from Alcohol Addiction and need help? If so, Rehab Clinics Group are a leading UK based expert in alcohol rehabilitation treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today. Call our confidential helpline on 0800 470 0382 or request a callback by clicking on the button below.
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Your Recovery Starts Today
If you are here reading this today, that means that you are already thinking about rehab. Why not get started right now?
Delaying your recovery treatment can only serve to keep you in your addiction to drugs or alcohol for another day and then another and then another and so on.
Every day that you wake up still addicted is another day that you will never get back.
It’s important to remember that an untreated addiction will usually result in the addiction getting much worse.
In addition, an untreated addiction can destroy your finances, your health, and every relationship that is important to you.
In the end, an addiction could ultimately end your life. There is no need to keep taking that risk when there is help readily available.
If you are ready to start your addiction journey today, we are here to help you.
Get in touch with us today so that you can make some big changes to your life for the better starting right now.
Therapies For Drug and Alcohol Addictions
Once you have completed an initial alcohol and drug detox plan to remove all the substances from your body, you will then go through various therapies and treatments.
This is the rehabilitation phase.
Your therapies and further treatments are personalised to you so that you have the best possible chances of making a full recovery from your addiction.
Your one-to-one sessions usually include psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioural therapy and dialectal behavioural therapy as well as others.
These are designed to help you get to the root cause of your addiction so that you can understand your triggers.
These sessions also help you to develop and retain more positive thought processes and much better behaviours for the future.
Group therapy sessions are usually in the form of talking therapies. However, these can also include some other forms of psychotherapies such as drama, art therapy, drama therapy, and meditation.
These group sessions are a great way for you to make some meaningful bonds with other people who are also struggling in the same ways that you are and provide you with a support network.
The goal here is to provide the best possible environment to allow a person to gain some new perspective.
It is also to help a person bond with others and seek some healthy and rewarding stimuli without the need of drugs or alcohol.
What Happens After You Leave Rehab?
Once you have completed your residential rehab treatments, many people fear what might happen when you leave the centre.
This is because relapsing is a very real thing, and maybe can be viewed as a shameful part of the process, particularly in the first 12 months after you leave the rehab centre.
This is why you will receive 12 months of free aftercare when you leave the rehab centre.
You will have access to a dedicated aftercare team. This team is available to all clients that have completed a treatment plan in the rehab centre.
Before you leave rehab, a prevention plan will be put in place. This will be designed to suit your specific needs and will allow you to add an additional level of comfort that can help you when you return home.
The aftercare team will help you with your continued therapies. They will also be able to help you with things like housing, getting a job, and managing your finances.
The aftercare team can also help you further by providing you with access to group sessions and 12-step programme that can help you further.
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