We have treatment centres for alcohol rehab in Bishop’s Stortford
Many addicts do not feel that they have a support network that they can rely on. It is not uncommon for addicts to feel ashamed when seeking help from friends or family, so they may avoid doing so altogether. Even if the addict is lucky enough to have a supportive group around them, with the best will in the world any help that they can offer will lack the experience and specialist knowledge that the staff of our rehab centres can provide.
If you are considering addiction treatment for yourself then you have already taken this vital first step. At Rehab Clinics Group it is our job to find the treatment program that is right for your individual needs. Sadly, however, we know that addiction and self-denial often go hand in hand. If you are searching for help on behalf of a loved one whom you have had to watch succumb to addiction we can also offer confidential help and guidance.
We cannot force an unwilling person into a treatment centre but we can advise you on the best ways to broach the topic of their problem, from private and personal talks to full interventions, so that you can more safely and effectively help them to a place of acceptance. If this can be accomplished, then we can find them the rehab in Bishop’s Stortford that is best suited to help them kick their addiction for good.
What is an Addiction?
Addiction is considered to be a disease or a disorder of the brain. The American Psychiatric Association defines addiction as follows:
“Addiction is a complex condition, a brain disease that is manifested by compulsive substance use despite harmful consequence. People with addiction (severe substance use disorder) have an intense focus on using a certain substance(s), such as alcohol or drugs, to the point that it takes over their life. They keep using alcohol or a drug even when they know it will cause problems.”
This disease can affect anyone. While there are certain social and biological factors that increase the chances of someone developing an addiction to alcohol or drugs, nobody is immune. A drug or alcohol addiction, once it has taken root in an individual, essentially ‘rewires’ their brain leading to distorted thinking and behaviours. Once an individual is addicted to a substance it becomes increasingly difficult for them to resist the compulsion to drink or use, despite the fact that it can have serious physical and psychological consequences. Addiction almost always gets progressively worse over time so, if you or someone you know has a problem with substance abuse and dependency, it is important that you address it and reach out for help as soon as possible.
The risks of addiction
Addiction carries with it a number of serious risks. Prolonged and heavy substance abuse drastically increases the chances of an individual developing dangerous health conditions such as liver disease, heart irregularities, collapsed veins and several forms of cancer. Acute problems such as heart attacks and strokes also become much more likely.
The dangers are not just physical either. Substance abuse can exacerbate mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and schizophrenia. In some cases, substance abuse can be seen as triggering these illnesses. It can be tempting for people who already suffer from mental illness to turn to drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism, but in the long run, substance misuse is much more likely to make these issues worse.
When it comes to addiction it is also important to remember that it affects not only the individual, but the people around them too. The distorted thinking and impaired judgment that comes along with addiction can put a tremendous amount of strain on personal relationships. In extreme cases, it can even lead to estrangement between family members or friends, and it can be a leading cause in the breakdown of romantic relationships. Addiction can and often does have a horrible impact on every aspect of a person’s life, which is why it is so important to address the issue as soon as possible.
Why choose a rehabilitation clinic?
As stated earlier, it can be extremely hard to overcome an addiction without expert help. It is a disease that entirely reconfigures the way your brain works and as such, it is incredibly difficult to break the cycle without also addressing the root causes of the addiction. Treatment programmes generally start with detox. This is the common name for the period and process by which your body actually flushes the alcohol or drugs out of your system. The detox clinic is also intended to help you deal with the physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms that come on once your body has gotten rid of the toxic substances.
This is one of the main benefits of specialised drug and alcohol treatment centres. While there are valuable treatment options available through the NHS they tend to be outpatient and community-based, and due to years of underfunding the inpatient schemes that are available generally have lengthy waiting lists. This delays treatment and wastes critical time. The outpatient nature of these schemes also means that you will not have constant, ready access to professional help as you deal with withdrawal. It is for this reason that a stay at a residential rehab centre is recognised as the most effective way to successfully combat an addiction.
Once the detox process is finished, it is time to address the root causes of the addiction. Following the detox patients will undergo a number of therapies and holistic treatments specifically tailored to their case and needs. Talking therapies ranging from CBT to one on one counselling can be utilised in order to help alter your way of thinking and give you the tools necessary to avoid a relapse once out of the centre. At Rehab Clinics Group we aim to facilitate a full, long term recovery. So, if you or someone you love is suffering from addiction, do not hesitate to get in touch.