Pete Doherty Talks About Struggles With Drug Addiction

Pete Doherty Talks About Struggles With Drug Addiction

In a recent interview with Channel 4, Pete Doherty has opened up about his addiction to drugs and how they became an essential part of his life.

The 6-minute long video is very emotional and moving as he discusses how the addictive mind convinced him that no matter how bad his current circumstances were that he will always be okay if he kept up his dependence on drugs.

He also talked about having something inside him that “never cries and never gets upset” this same voice inside his head also made him believe that “nothing could kill him”, this is a very common issue and can be contributed to a large number of suicides amongst men.

The thinking that you cannot open up, that you are a man and you should act like one is the sought of thinking that has stopped many from seeking help, but in the case of Pete he did reach out eventually and has been in and out of rehab for many years in his battle against addiction. If you are going through a problem with addiction or if you’re suffering from any mental health issues then do not be afraid to ask for help as it could save your life.

We would recommend watching the full interview as although it’s very emotional, we believe it can be the basis of inspiration for anyone who may be going through something similar.

See below video of the interview:

The road to recovery is never easy and Pete talked about losing friends to addiction and how people didn’t want him to die at an early age, despite believing he would never reach his current age of 34 he is currently opening a new hotel with his fellow band members and will be touring Europe very soon. The story of Pete Doherty is similar to the many stories we hear on a regular basis and we hope that the current coverage surrounding the interview will help others to seek help like Pete did and convince more to start trying to beat the “addictive mind” because it is possible with the right help and support to overcome the voice inside your head and beat it once and for all.

If you have been inspired by Pete Doherty’s interview and would like to open up about your addiction then give our FREE helpline a call, we can give you the help and advice needed when dealing with addiction.

Over the years we have been responsible for treating thousands of patients from their addiction to drugs with the use of a specialised treatment programme which includes rehabilitation and detox from the substance you are addicted to. Contact our team now on 03301 596 494 and get started on your recovery as soon as today!