What You Need To Know About Antidepressant Withdrawal

What You Need To Know About Antidepressant Withdrawal

Whether you’ve been prescribed antidepressants or have a dependence on them, withdrawal is a common process, down to a break in the chain of consumption.

Used to manage the balance of hormones in the brain and to stabilise mood, consistent use of antidepressants is safe, especially through medical prescriptions. Abuse of such substances can however be harmful, yet that’s a blog in itself.

No matter the intentions behind consumption, withdrawal is experienced by around 20% of people who regularly consume antidepressants. The cause will be a break in consumption, or the aim to get clean from such drugs, discouraged as an independent step down to the potential severity of antidepressant withdrawal.

If you’re experiencing withdrawal symptoms down to a break in consumption or linked to the intention of complete withdrawal, understanding their impacts, the risk of such symptoms and gauging coping methods will be encouraged.

Here’s what you need to know about antidepressant withdrawal, along with how professional treatment services can help with withdrawing safely and sustainably, available here at Rehab Clinics Group.

Withdrawal symptoms are the sign that current tolerances aren’t fulfilled, causing the body and brain to respond through shock. While a sign of recovery for those with such intentions, experienced uncontrollably, antidepressants withdrawal can be unbearable, hindering and harmful.

Source support to either re-evaluate your mood stabilisation strategy or look towards professional ways of getting clean.


What is antidepressant withdrawal?

Antidepressant withdrawal is the sign that regular consumption has been broken. It carries common symptoms which represent shock, where both the body and brain acknowledge the reduced presence of antidepressants.

Antidepressants are usually prescribed to manage hormones in the brain and to offer ongoing balance. Through such intentions, serotonin and further happy chemicals are produced, triggered by the use of prescribed drugs, to combat many mental health conditions.

Unfortunately, some people also abuse antidepressants to encounter such emotional highs and stability, which can be organically deterred for a number of different reasons, requiring such consumption.

No matter the reason for consuming antidepressants, withdrawal can occur if consumption is quickly stopped, is drastically reduced or is cut off with the intentions of getting clean.

While it is a presentation that drugs are leaving the body, standing as a part of the recovery process, for those who seriously require antidepressants, withdrawal can be damaging.

Withdrawal can also be an unpleasant experience if completed without control, at a rapid rate, resulting in unpredictable and unbearable withdrawal symptoms.

Instead, to get clean, safe withdrawal can be aimed for through rehab, or for safe readjustments, medical advice can be provided to fill the gap that antidepressants withstand.

As withdrawal symptoms can be common, increasing awareness of such possibilities is recommended. Here’s what you need to know about antidepressant withdrawal.


What you need to know about antidepressant withdrawal

There’s some basic insight that is important to know when considering antidepressant withdrawal, from the type of withdrawal symptoms you can expect, to such warnings of symptoms.

It’s also very wise to consider coping methods and treatment to alleviate the harm and discomfort of independent withdrawal.


How long do antidepressant withdrawal symptoms last?

Experiences of antidepressant withdrawal fluctuate unexpectedly. With this in mind, symptoms may last longer for someone else than yourself or vice versa. Typically, the dose of such drugs and the longevity of consumption can control how long symptoms can reside.

Averagely, withdrawal symptoms showcase themselves on the first day of broken consumption, aggravating over the upcoming days, and slowly diminishing after around a week of no consumption.


Antidepressant withdrawal signs and symptoms

Again, expected withdrawal symptoms can be tough to highlight, as withdrawal experiences will differ for each individual. It is common to experience antidepressant withdrawal signs and symptoms, to some degree.

Yet the extent of such impacts will be personal, depending on the type of antidepressant which is present.

Flu-like feelings, insomnia, nausea, anxiety, sweating, vomiting, muscle weakness, increased blood pressure, trembling and experiences of pins and needles are all common symptoms of antidepressant withdrawal.

If you’re experiencing such symptoms down to an unintentional break, further consumption should diminish such symptoms. If you’re looking to try a different drug, slowly withdrawing with the backing of medical professionals will be recommended.

However, if you’re intentionally withdrawing from antidepressants, opting for professional services will be encouraged, where coping methods will be in place to manage your symptoms.


Warnings about withdrawal

Down to the gap that antidepressants can fill, there are many warnings linked to unpredictable withdrawal. Warnings of antidepressant withdrawal surround the risk of aggravating mental health symptoms, of increased feelings of suicide, of the possibility of developing delirium tremens, and of hallucinogenic effects.

All risks can be very hard to work through, can be life-limiting and can place pressure on your body and brain, making such withdrawal unworthy. Down to potential risks, it’s also encouraged to seek medical advice, to either re-evaluate your use of antidepressants, to obtain a safe schedule of withdrawal or for addiction recovery purposes, to detox with safety in mind.


Coping methods and treatments for antidepressant withdrawal

Finding a healthy coping method, that works for you will deflect focus from the withdrawal process. However, alongside self-management, long-term treatment is a likely next step when considering antidepressant withdrawal.

For individuals who’ve experienced withdrawal down to broken consumption, alongside antidepressants, talking therapies will be encouraged as a supportive resource to work through initial symptoms of mental health issues.

While antidepressants offer the benefit of balance, working through mental health issues and vulnerabilities on a deeper level are imperative to avoid relapse and deterioration.

For individuals who intend on withdrawing from antidepressants, down to dependence or their unnecessary presence, opting for professional detoxification will be recommended.

Through rehab, a safe and sustainable detox programme can be formed, to ease the withdrawal process and secure stability. Again, further treatment will be required to work through the long-term impacts that both mental health issues and addiction can have.

Antidepressant withdrawal can be unpredictable and can be unpleasant. However, you can control this to a degree through healthy coping strategies.

For more information on what you need to know about antidepressant withdrawal, or for professional help with addiction recovery, contact our team at Rehab Clinics Group.

Antidepressants have their purpose. Ensure that you’re consuming them correctly for their safe effects.


