Alcoholism is a dangerous condition if ignored, misdiagnosed or untreated. It can amount to an extremely unhealthy relationship with alcohol, causing physical and mental health issues. Behavioural changes are also expected, disrupting various areas of life, from relationships to finances.
Although alcohol consumption is normalised here in the UK, it is one of the most dangerous substances. Due to its innocent and legal branding, being aware of its addictive and harmful traits can be tricky. Yet alcohol can be a life-limiting substance to depend on, best diagnosed and treated.
From treatment services and support groups to helplines, help for alcoholics is available through various confidential routes. Also, suitable to support loved ones, help is offered to work through the turbulence of addiction and recovery.
Here are some valuable resources to consider, offering help for alcoholics in the UK. Different services are available to help you comfortably speak out, get better and recover from alcoholism.
At Rehab Clinics Group, we’re here to offer guidance, support, and treatment through alcohol addiction. Reach out for further advice about your alcohol problems.
Untreated alcoholism and its effects
Alcoholism is a physically and mentally draining condition. Whether an alcoholic is supported by loved ones or not, it’s a lonely and life-limiting habit to deal with.
Treatment is essential to withdraw from alcohol, remain sober, and experience an improved quality of life. As it’s a brain condition, once internal associations are made, and behaviours are taught, specialist tools must be experienced to realign the mind.
If untreated, alcoholism can continue to aggravate, causing physical health problems, such as organ failure, which can increase the risks of cancer and can result in a weakened immune system.
It can also result in mental health issues, a dual diagnosis, whilst paired with alcoholism. The likes of depression, anxiety and other compulsive behaviours can develop through untreated alcohol use disorders.
Once things escalate, overcoming addiction will be an even more complicated process. Additional treatment services will be required, a greater intervention will be necessary, and further repair and management will be essential for the future.
Whilst it can be challenging to reach out for support, recognise the signs of alcoholism, and take action; long-term untreated drinking problems can be even worse to deal with. Here’s where you can source advice and support, known as help for alcoholics in the UK.
Different alcohol helplines UK
Helplines are in place across the UK to offer advice and support for alcoholics experiencing initial symptoms, hoping to recover or during a crisis. Services are also available to support families and friends, witnessing alcoholism or guiding a loved one through recovery.
Useful alcohol helplines include:
- Drinkaware: Offering an alcohol helpline for both addicts and loved ones, Drinkaware provides free and confidential services. Advice and support is available, along with some tools and tips to stop drinking.
- Alcoholics Anonymous: AA is a support group, which can be found as a local service across areas of the UK. It’s a safe haven for alcoholics to visit and partake in social activities and therapy sessions. It offers peer support, along with the chance to complete a 12-step recovery programme. AA is also beneficial for families and friends, equipped to hold family therapy and educational sessions. AA is really beneficial if you are recovering from alcoholism; you can also learn more about what happens at AA to prepare yourself if you are unsure of anything.
- SMART recovery: Virtual meetings can be arranged through SMART recovery, offering complete privacy and confidentiality. Acting as an alcohol helpline and support group, people dependent on alcohol can work through a 4-point programme. Programmes help diagnose alcoholism, motivate recovery, and provide the tools to stop drinking.
- Al-Anon: Help for alcoholics in the UK is vast. Yet many witnesses of the disorder can feel forgotten about, suffering for the future. Al-Anon makes sure that families and friends receive the support they need to digest and move on from alcoholism. Various resources, meetings, educational sessions, and support groups can be arranged to experience mutual recovery.
- NACOA: Some children unfortunately witness and deal with the effects of alcoholism. Support is available for dependent parents through the National Association for Children of Alcoholics. A free alcohol helpline is available, advice on working through any crises, and mental health support is available.
- Samaritans: Alcoholism is an emotionally testing condition, and it’s linked with poor mental health, self-harm, and high suicide risks. The Samaritans are available to help those struggling through the emotional challenges of addiction, and 24/7 confidential and compassionate support is available for alcoholics and those affected by addiction.
Receiving treatment for an alcohol addiction
Emotional help, support and guidance can help many alcoholics through chronic cravings, feelings, and relapse. Yet to recover from alcohol addiction, treatment must also be completed.
Through the above helplines for alcoholics, rehabilitation will be encouraged. Offering the treatments and tools to recover, alcohol and its damaging impacts can be removed from your life.
At Rehab Clinics Group, we offer advice and support to work through alcoholism towards recovery. We also facilitate alcohol rehab from our number of private treatment centres. Providing accommodating treatment plans, we can help you recover whilst protecting your current circumstances.
Various treatments and tools will be promoted to help you through the stages of alcoholism. Detoxification will be essential to eliminate alcohol and its influences, and rehabilitation will also be vital to work through the emotional and psychological symptoms, struggles and associations of addiction.
Mental health treatments, support services, aftercare plans, relapse prevention plans, and holistic therapies will also be available. Our therapies are safe, led by professionals and are personally recommended, and all are proven to treat addiction by working alongside educational sessions and emotional support.
Treatment is a necessity. Yet understandably, your diagnosis may be new to you, or you may be struggling to take action. Alternatively, you may be witnessing a loved one suffer through alcoholism, also unwelcoming immediate treatment. The above list, standing as invaluable help for alcoholics in the UK, will help you through the initial acceptance and acknowledgement.
We’re here to start your rehabilitation journey as soon as you’re ready. Reach out for advice and support on the next steps of overcoming alcoholism.