Treatment Prestonpans
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres In Prestonpans

We have treatment centres for drug and alcohol rehab in Prestonpans

Drug and alcohol addiction are destructive forces that can ruin a person’s life. People suffering from addiction issues often lose their jobs, see their marriages and friendships break down, experience mental health issues and serious physical problems that can result in death.

If your drug or alcohol addiction is causing major problems in your life then it may be time to consider rehabilitation.

Rehab Clinics Group is a collection of companies and residential rehabilitation centres all over the UK, dedicated to providing industry-leading rehabilitation services to people that need them. Since opening our first facility in 2011 we have helped people face up to their drug addiction or alcohol addiction and begin living to their full potential.

We want to lift the stigma from addiction and encourage people to see that needing help is not weakness. Guided by understanding and respect, we can help you or a loved one start on the journey to recovery.


Choosing a Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centre Away from Home

After deciding to engage in a rehabilitation programme, your first instinct may be to stay close to home or complete treatment through outpatient rehab. Whilst completing a rehab programme on an outpatient has success and might be the right choice for many if your addiction is severe then it will not be enough.

Attending an inpatient rehab, away from your home, is an available option. With higher success rates, we at Rehab Clinics Group believe that attending drug and alcohol rehab on an inpatient basis gives people the best chance at achieving their recovery goals.

Residential rehab gives you the chance to get away from the environment where your addiction may have started and developed – allowing you to focus on your treatment.

Every facility under the Rehab Clinics Group umbrella is leading the way in addiction treatment – bringing an effective treatment plan personal to each person that comes to us. Inpatient rehab offers a structure and regimen to your life that you need currently, without the distractions and pressures of everyday life.

If you have tried to quit before, suffer from long-term addiction and mental health issues then inpatient rehab might be the only viable path for you. Though it is more expensive than outpatient rehab, the level of care you receive and the environment in which you will be living and recovering will be worth it.

Paying for a rehab clinic is an investment – and with us, it will hopefully only be a one-time investment.


Our Admissions Process

Taking the step from the realisation of your addiction to entering treatment is a big one and many people feel overwhelmed during this time. We understand this and want to make the admissions process as easy as it can be.

From the initial enquiry to your admission day, our team will be on hand to advise and guide you through each step of your care to ensure you are fully prepared for rehab. Before agreeing or paying for anything we will discuss treatment options, what to expect and any other queries or worries that you may have. Our admissions team is experienced and so nothing you ask is silly or will go unanswered.


Treatment Options at an Inpatient Rehab

The treatment you will receive at Rehab Clinics Group deals with both the physical and mental sides of addiction.

Detoxification Process

Detoxification is the initial part of treatment. As your body has become physically dependent on substances, these toxins need to be flushed out so you can begin thinking clearer and your body can start to heal. To ease withdrawal symptoms when detoxing, medication will be administered. Watched over by medical and care professionals, you will be made as comfortable as you can be during this distressing time.

Withdrawal symptoms and the medication you take may differ depending on whether you are detoxing from drugs or detoxing from alcohol – apart from that the process is essentially the same.


Therapy Options

Our therapies are a combination of evidence-based treatments, well-being therapy sessions and social activities – providing a holistic approach to addiction treatment. Alongside Cognitive Behavioural Therapy sessions, you may also engage in group walks, Low-Level Laser Therapy, Stress Management, and any other treatment we believe will help you in your fight against addiction.

For those suffering from concurrent mental health issues – such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder – you will have access to dual-diagnosis treatment. With this form of treatment, you can work on your mental health issues alongside your addiction without worsening one or the other.


Relapse Prevention After Rehab

As your time with us comes to an end, you may be concerned or anxious about what comes next. The time immediately after rehab is vital for anyone in recovery and many people relapse during this period. At Rehab Clinics Group, we understand you will come face-to-face with many obstacles as you attempt to rebuild your life and enter a world full of temptation and potential triggers.

To ease you through this transitional period, we offer a FREE 12-month aftercare package to provide guidance and support during this stressful time. Considering your circumstances, the care you received with us and many other factors our team will devise a plan that acts as a roadmap for recovery – setting out achievable goals and milestones that will encourage you to continue your recovery work.

The bulk of aftercare is based on attending weekly support meetings. Connecting with others in similar situations and building a support network is vital to relapse prevention. Having people to reach out to when you are feeling vulnerable will hopefully stop you from reaching for a drink or taking drugs.

If you need it, we can provide additional aftercare support for you and your family to help you stay on course and live a more fulfilling life. And if you do happen to relapse, our team can be there to offer next step options and get you into a rehab clinic.


Begin the Journey to Recovery Today

If you are unsure if you suffer from alcohol problems or drug addiction then call 0800 470 0382 or text HELP to 83222 and someone in our team can offer advice and answer any questions you might have.

We are available 24/7 and can start the admissions process immediately if that is what you want. We also provide services for families, friends and colleagues – such as interventions – if you need guidance on helping someone with an addiction.

  • What are the options for therapy?

    As stated above Rehab Clinics Group provides numerous options when it comes to treatments for alcoholism. Besides the ones not mentioned, you can also access 1 on 1 recovery planning, acupuncture, mediation therapy and many others. Our expert staff at Rehab Clinics Group will find the right options for you and craft a path that will help you out of addiction.
  • What is the admissions process?

    At Rehab Clinics Group, we have designed and created an admissions process that ensures private rehabilitation treatment can be accessed within a short period. Our admissions process consists of an initial enquiry, a pre-admission screening, and a clinical assessment. Initial enquiries and pre-admission screenings can be completed over the telephone. Meanwhile, clinical assessments are carried out upon entering a drug and alcohol rehab in Prestonpans.
  • Why Rehab Clinics Group?

    At Rehab Clinics Group, we have drug and alcohol rehabs located throughout the United Kingdom. Providing industry-leading treatments, state of the art facilities and around the clock care, when you choose Rehab Clinics Group, you will have the support you need to overcome your addiction and make a long-term recovery.