Treatment in Greenford
Alcohol Rehab Centres In Greenford

We have treatment centres for alcohol rehab in Greenford

The addiction recovery process will be different for each person. Some will have the time and money to invest in luxury, private rehabilitation services. Other people will require the 24/7 medical assistance and urgency of inpatient rehab. Whilst others will thrive by juggling outpatient treatment and personal responsibilities.

Private rehab is flexible, meaning that your circumstances can be worked around. Your availability, funds, level of commitment and addiction type can all be considered, to form the most beneficial recovery process.

By finding a CQC private drug and alcohol rehab in Greenford, you can feel reassured that your needs will be prioritised and that your rehabilitation journey will be effective.

Contact our team at Rehab Clinics Group, to experience the most suitable process for your personal circumstances and expectations. We have a range of treatment centres, programmes, and services to select from, here to help people from all backgrounds and walks of life.


Are you suffering from Alcohol Addiction and need help? If so, Rehab Clinics Group are a leading UK based expert in alcohol rehabilitation treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today. Call our confidential helpline on 0800 470 0382 or request a callback by clicking on the button below.

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Inpatient Rehab in Greenford

Inpatient rehab programmes are one of the most popular services offered here at Rehab Clinics Group. Offering an intense, all-around recovery process, you can experience its benefits by finding and checking into a drug and alcohol rehab in Greenford.

Whilst daunting to consider, residing in rehab is highly beneficial, as it provides the best environment to recover from. Placing all of your focus on your recovery journey, you can block out any distractions or influences which may be currently fuelling your drug and alcohol consumption.

Arrangeable over a 28-day timeline, inpatient rehab is progressive, meaning that each day will help to heal your body and mind. A wide range of treatment services can be experienced through an inpatient setting, due to 24/7 medical observations and personally dedicated teams. Feeling comfortable, safe, and cared for is expected through this one-to-one option.

Privacy levels are high, intimate settings are expected, high-quality services are offered, and time-sensitive processes are in place through inpatient rehab. If you’re looking for immediate care which can be benefited from with urgency in mind, you can check into a private rehab here at Rehab Clinics Group. 

Please be aware that budgets, timelines, personal needs, location, and circumstances can all be worked around, still offering the flexibility of private rehab.


Outpatient Rehab in Greenford

Outpatient rehab programmes are also a private option, yet they offer greater flexibility and freedom. Possible to complete alongside work, family commitments and daily routines, outpatient treatment sessions are offered through weekly visits. Offering the freedom to continue through everyday life, whilst benefiting from professional input, outpatient rehab is fully accommodating.

Arranged over a 3-6-month timeline, sustainable recovery can be aimed for through outpatient treatment. Still providing progress, small yet impactful steps and changes are expected through such timeline.

High levels of privacy are still expected, standards are also high through outpatient rehab, and support is continuous through external resources and self-help tools.

Recognised as an affordable form of private rehab, you can select a drug and alcohol rehab in Greenford for weekly visits. We can arrange the level and type of care that you need to recover, with safety and effectiveness as benchmarks.


How to Detox from Drugs and Alcohol?

Detoxing from drugs and alcohol is a part of the rehabilitation process. It should only be completed with 24/7 medical assistance to hand.

Recommended to complete through private rehab, drugs, alcohol, and their effects will be eliminated from the body and surrounding. Consumption and exposure will be stopped through a safe and controlled setting.

By putting a stop to all exposure, withdrawal symptoms are expected. They indicate that tolerances are unfulfilled, due to a break in consumption. The body and brain will respond through shock, displayed as withdrawal symptoms. Symptoms can be uncontrollable and chronic, lasting over 7-10 days. Medical assistance will make sure that a safe process can be worked through, whilst providing suitable detox medications and treatments.

By detoxing from drugs and alcohol, getting clean will be more of a realistic goal to aim for, especially when followed by additional services. An incomplete detox or rehab process will reduce the opportunity to fully recover.


Therapeutic and Holistic Treatment Options

Alongside physical withdrawal and recovery, the mind must also be treated and supported. Through our range of treatment centres, therapeutic and holistic treatment options are used.

Therapeutic options focus on talking therapy, by opening up, considering emotional responses, and adapting outlooks. Cognitive behavioural therapy, group therapy, family therapy and dialectical behavioural therapy are some of the most effective options.

Holistic options focus on balancing the body and mind, on promoting healthy coping strategies and on improving mental health. Mindfulness, relaxation therapy, sauna detoxification and NAD+ therapy are utilised throughout addiction recovery.

Together the tools to detach from drugs and alcohol, on a psychological level will be present. New habits, ways of coping, outlooks and lifestyle choices can be formed through high-quality addiction treatment.


Local Aftercare and Relapse Prevention sessions

A discharge from your rehab of choice will mark the beginning of your long-term recovery journey. Although you may be clean from drugs and alcohol, at this point, you’ll need to develop some healthy intentions and sober habits to prevent relapse.

Via a drug and alcohol rehab in Greenford, local aftercare services and relapse prevention sessions will be offered to help you through the transition. Planning for both will begin through rehab itself, working alongside treatment. Planning will prepare you for sobriety, by offering educational sessions and awareness of personal triggers.

Post-rehab, your plans will be in place to control personal triggers, work through relapse risks and prevent future consumption. Aftercare services will work alongside your plan to offer peer support, an outlet for guidance and motivation, and a feasible schedule to follow.

As time goes on, relapse prevention will become an easier skill to master, helping you maintain your recovery.

Helping you reach such milestones with safety and suitability in mind, private rehab can be arranged around your needs and expectations. Reach out to experience a bespoke rehabilitation programme, here at Rehab Clinics Group.

  • What are the signs of alcoholism?

    Alcoholism is when physical and psychological attachments develop to alcohol and their effects. It’s where consumption is ongoing, to curb cravings, urges and withdrawal symptoms. The signs of alcoholism display through physical and psychological changes, adjusting wellbeing, routines, behaviours and prioritise. The most common signs of an alcohol addiction include withdrawal symptoms between consumption, difficulties stopping consumption, behaviours which prioritise consumption and extreme drinking habits. Signs could reflect alcohol abuse or alcoholism, both requiring treatment.
  • Do I need to attend rehab?

    If you are struggling with any type of attachment to drugs and/or alcohol, and also display any common signs, rehab will be recommended. You can either visit or check into private rehab. The most suitable programme will be encouraged, to help you detach from drugs and alcohol. Rehab is heavily recommended as an addiction is treatable yet cannot be cured. You’ll need professional input to detach for the long-term.
  • Can I complete treatment from home?

    Whilst self-help steps can be completed from home, treatment will be unavailable. You can recover from home, in between rehab visits. Yet it will be impossible to detox and work through one-to-one and group sessions whilst surrounded by possible influences. Visiting or checking into a drug and alcohol rehab in Greenford will be recommended.