For many people with an addiction, there’s a point when they realise enough is enough. This can be because of a relationship breakdown, job loss, or even legal trouble. However, you don’t have to reach rock bottom to start looking for drug and alcohol rehab in Islington. At the Rehab Clinics Group, we work with people whose addictions are on all levels of severity, whether this is their first-time seeking treatment or whether they’ve relapsed before. We can help you find the right residential treatment programme to suit your needs, allowing you to rebuild your life without using alcohol or drugs.
Getting through to those in denial
One thing that often stops people from seeking help is denial. Denial is a big part of addiction, because without it, people wouldn’t be able to continue to abuse their chosen drug and/or alcohol. We often hear from individuals and their families who are watching a loved one go through addiction yet aren’t sure what to do about it. While there’s no way to force someone to accept help, there are methods such as staging an intervention that may be able to help get through to them and encourage them to attend a rehab clinic.
If you’re an addict and you’ve realised you need help, it’s important that you get it as soon as possible. If you delay treatment, there’s every chance you’ll go back to drink or drugs, and that can put your life in danger. If you need to speak to someone, our phone line is free and open 24/7, so you can get help when you need it most. We can often admit people within 24 hours of their enquiry, so it’s harder for you to go back in denial and you can start getting the help you need.
Choosing residential rehab
One of the best choices for Islington residents aged 18 and over who suffer from an addiction is to go to a residential rehab centre. If you choose to be an outpatient, the temptation will be all around you, from alcohol in supermarkets to friends offering you club drugs on a night out. This can make it extremely difficult to come off these substances, and you may suffer relapses on your journey.
When you stay at one of our clinics, you’re away from the stresses of everyday life and stay in a safe and secure environment. It’s very difficult to relapse during residential rehab, as you’re well supervised, so those with drug and alcohol problems can simply focus on their recovery.
Most residential rehab programmes are private, and if you choose the NHS route, it’s more likely your drug or alcohol service will be delivered as an outpatient, at least until your addiction reaches a certain level of severity. However, studies have shown that residential rehab has one of the best success rates when it comes to long term sobriety, so investing in a stay could help you tackle your addiction for life.
Life inside drug and alcohol rehab in Islington
There are many misconceptions about what it’s like to go to rehab. Some people see it as a punishment and think it’ll be like a prison, while others think it’ll be more like a hospital. Rest assured, all our clinics have a pleasant, homely environment, where the focus is on your recovery, health and wellbeing at all times.
Whether you choose to stay at a clinic in the London suburbs, in a seaside town, in the countryside, or even in a villa in Spain, you’ll notice all our rehab centres have a homely feel. From the outside, you wouldn’t even know they’re rehab centres, they simply look like nice houses.
Our integrated drug and alcohol treatment programmes start with a detox, which can be aided with prescription medication. We then move onto a rehab programme, which covers all aspects of your physical and mental health and includes individual and group therapy.
During your stay with us, you’ll also take part in activities and outings, as well as workshops where you’ll learn about things like relapse prevention, so you start to build the tools you need for long term sobriety.
Life after rehab
When you’re in the process of looking for drug and alcohol rehab in Islington, it can be hard to imagine even a day without drinking or using drugs, let alone a whole month. But you may be surprised how quickly it goes, and if you complete 28 days with us, you get a year of free aftercare. Our drug and alcohol service includes regular group sessions in a clinic close to you, as well as a personalised plan.
Don’t delay your treatment
Our services for people with alcoholism or drug addiction are open to all in Islington who feel they need support. Don’t allow this disease to take over another day of your life, simply pick up the phone and call the team at the Rehab Clinics Group, and we’ll get you on the right track towards recovery by arranging a place in one of our world-class rehab centres.
When you need to find drug and alcohol rehab in Islington and aren’t sure where to start, simply call the team at the Rehab Clinics Group on 0800 470 0382 or text HELP to 83222 to find out more.